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Once someone has accepted Jesus into their life, this does not mean that he is savedit means he has the potential to be. I ask these things in Your most holy and precious name, and I thank You for Although there are some variances between organizations over the ABCs of Salvation, here is a simple 3-step process to accepting Jesus as Savior. Salvation is putting your full trust into Jesus as Lord and Savior to save you from an eternity in Hell. No beads, no penance, no pilgrimage, no money, no service just a simple prayer of faith. Its how we continue to receive forgiveness of our sins and how God continues to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so that we remain saved no matter what happens in life. I dont know what your pain is like, but I have lived with depression for much of my life and I know the excruciating pain of believing you have let everyone down and that nothing good can come from my life. Praying for others is motivated when there is deep love and affection for people. be strong my brother. Please forgive me. 8 Memorable Ideas for Bonding with Family on Thanksgiving, 10 Prayers to Turn Your Heart Towards Thankfulness This Season, Dealing with Eating Disorders During the Holiday Season, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2022, you were a kid. talking to "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. I am Native American and most people find it hard to believe we are the Savages they feel we are. 5 Ways to Become a Prayer Warrior God may be calling you to become more of a prayer warrior in your church or family. I began to pray more and writing everything down in a little note pad. Establish them in the faith. God I would like to help others please please assist me to do so. We won't send you spam. Any time you do something sinful, anytime you are tempted with sin or led away from doing good, you must immediately confess it to God. Both my husband and I got hired for new jobs (thank you Jesus). Rest on Him Jose, lean on Him, keep Praying and dont stop. 6. One of the top online prayer warriors Daniel, the creator and founder of Daily Effective Prayer, hails from a small town on the West Coast of Canada.He has garnered much acclaim for his 1400+ prayer videos and 130+ million views on YouTube. Something we can achieve. 3. Send Your angels to gather around me and protect me. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Next time you read scripture try really thinking about what it means how God is trying to communicate with you through his words. I continue to return to this website to review the daily prayers listed. Before posting anything online, we should ask ourselves: is this loving? love for You and Your ways. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your guidance. We bless your mighty name for you reign over all the earth. When you repent, it is a recognition that the power to save yourself lies in how much God loves you and wants to save your soul from hell, which He did by sending His only son Jesus Christ to earth where he was crucified for all of humanitys sins so that those who believe they are sinners can be saved and forgiven. I pray for me to use the money wisely and bless others in need. church -- one with at least several hundred members, but no more than about No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). Omnipotent Father, you are king of Kings and Lord of Lords. You may think that you need to fix things or make things right in your life before you come to Christ. Overcome evil with good. or places you used to like, such as singles bars. reassigned every year. Our behavior, particularly our interactions online, are always under a microscope. faithful and will forgive my sins and remember them no more. It seems to me death is my only way out, but what about the people I leave behind: three children, a wife and mother plus father and sisters. 10. Lord God we know that Your Divine law operates within Vanessa as she speaks, thinks and acts with Faith, with Love and with Courage. Article Images Copyright , 3 Prayers for Family Members Who Leave the Faith, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Each step is essential if you want your name written in the book of life when Judgment Day comes for us all. Set aside time each day to speak directly to God out loud or through your thoughts. I started to learn more about God and started reading the Bible and the more I learn, the bigger my faith has gotten. God, I am praying, please dont let this happen to me. I ask that you all pray for myself and our family to get through the next month financially until our money starts flowing in. Step 2.We want you as the reader, to read it, Step 3. He made us even though He knew we wouldn't be perfect, but He wants us to do our best to live the way He asks us to in the Bible. Becoming a Christian (or a believer in Jesus Christ) involves a heart decision and a prayer to God. I now depend completely on you. Lead me to a good church You, no matter what may come. never has a real chance to develop and carry out an agenda. Don't think that just because you are now a Christian you won't ever sin (For more Christian prayers visit Scripture References. Pray. This verse from John poses the question that many people have about how to become saved. Please believe me when I say that those are absolute lies. Although He reveals himself in many other ways such as through dreams and visions (Deuteronomy 13:17-18), one of the most common ways for Him to speak or reveal His will is by sending us an . Shape us, mold us, lead us, guide us, walk beside us. Please keep clinging to Jesus, because He can get you through this. Confessing is how a believer continues their journey toward Christ. The Internet has been used as a powerful tool to spread the love of Jesus and the life-changing message of the Gospel around the world. Repentance does not mean regret; it means recognizing sin in your life and wanting to change, which opens up the door for God to forgive and transform you. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a separate act from being born again, but it makes us more like Christ as well as giving us power against evil. To repent, the Christian must recognize how sinful he is and how much this offends God; one must understand that man cannot save himself or even earn his way to heaven through good deeds because no amount of them will outweigh a single sin. When we repent of our sin, we then received Jesus as our Lord and Savior by trusting in him. In Jesus powerful, mighty name. - God Bless Greg & Darlene, How to Motivate Church Members to Serve: 20 Expert Tips, How to Grow a Church in a Small Town: 11 Simple Steps, 9 Reasons Fasting is a Powerful Spiritual Discipline for, 5 Highly Effective Ways To Get Church Members Involved, How Church Members Should Treat Each Other - 7 Golden Tips, 7 Reasons: Why You Should Be in Church Every Sunday | Church, How to Motivate your Church Workers: 14 Quick / Easy Tips. And because our destinies are dependent upon how we answer that question. B. Christ did not preach what people wanted to hear. congregation of several thousand, there is too much of a tendancy to become God has provided the gift of salvation for us to know that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ. We felt like a failure to our 3 kids. Historically, Methodist pastors were One of the reasons there is so much cruelty on the Internet, and much of it from Christians, is because we have a hard time understanding the feelings of others. The "prayer of salvation" is the most important prayer we'll ever pray. Today, I repent and turn away from my sin. May God continue to bless and guide you and your family and all your prayers be answered, according to His will and to His Glory, Amen!!! becoming a believer in God because everyones individual walk varies slightly based on each persons,, A life of purpose | Rick Warren (,, Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again (,, Jesus is Baptized by John (, Stuck on Sermon / Need Class Ideas / Outlines / Ask Ja, Seek to Hear Gods Direction to Find the Meaning of Your Life (Romans 10:17), Repent and Turn a New Reborn Path (IICorinthians 7:10), Confess willing follow Jesus Christ Gods Son ( I John 1:9), Be Baptized and reborn to a New Life (Acts 2:38) ( Colossians 2: 12 ), Continuing Jesus Mission to Seek and Save the Lost ( Matthew 28:19). Repent of these sins by changing how you live make yourself into a better person for having acknowledged them. And he will make straight your paths. Once we begin reading the scriptures, how does God reveal Himself? Give us knowledge and wisdom, Oh Father, to understand your Word so you can teach us right from wrong. In the name of Jesus, I pray. A Prayer to be a Genuine Christian. one-to-two thousand members. Our first Religious Teachers were Jesuit Priests who migrated to America and built Monastaries on Native land to teach Natives to speak English and Convert to Catholasism. Lord, right now I accept Your Son Jesus as my Savior and as the Lord of my Beautiful prayer Ken. The first step is repentance. Thank you for all the blessings heavenly father. Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The name called upon in Worship doesnt really matter , we all worship the same Holy Entity, It is only the names are Different. Amen. For you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Help us to remember that when we confess we are Christians, it does not mean we do not sin and would not stumble. John 1:1 - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I receive You as my Lord and Savior. There is no age requirement, but the gospel is most readily received during childhood and adolescence. God, please assist with my financial problem I have currently. Instead, we are professing that we are weak and need you, our Savior to carry on. life. God will help you do this. John 15:20 Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. The Prayer of Receptiveness for Servant Leaders Dear Lord, My desire is to consistently welcome your guidance into how I lead. All rights reserved. Lord, I thank You for sending Your only Son to die so that I can live. One of my favorite passages of Scripture is found inRomans 12, which gives an outline or how-to guide for living the Christian life. It is how anyone can go from being a nobody to becoming a Christian someone who has received salvation and the Holy Spirit into his or her life (John 14:21). BirthName: EllenLittlesparrow WhiteName: RuthStalker. John explained that God loved the world to such an extent that He was willing to let His own Son die in our place (John 3:16). My story is so similar to yours except my husband has a job with not enough to pay all of our bills monthly. And what every person needs to know about salvation is that salvation is the free gift of God. Make them honorable members of thy Christ, who gave himself for our souls. Signs of the End Times and Knowing When the End Is Near. Your email address will not be published. Live how you should as a Christian, and how God wants us to live: lovingly towards one another without sinning. Sin is essentially anything that goes against Gods will (James how to be a believer in God? According to George Barnas research, 90 percent of believers come to faith before their 18th birthday. Your ways are perfect. I will pray for you and your family and God is going to restore what you lost 10 times over. try to change your ways to avoid sin. Please know you and your family were held up in heavy Prayer today. So, now you know the basic steps to become a Christian. They list the dos and donts. Be empathetic. As a result, if you desire God's gift of eternal life and fellowship with Him, you are as close as a sincere act of faith. He died on the cross. You r in my thoughts and prayers. I know he is working on answering my prayers and to Jose, on your earlier post. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs. God, today is a of wonders and your name is higher than any other and I breakdown any negative forces in the name of Jesus. To become a prayer warrior as a Christian, you must develop great concern and feelings for others. Please provide for his familys financial needs and remind him that you are a God who makes the impossible possible. As a Christian, you have obligations. Editors Note: Content taken from How to Act Like a Genuine Christian on the Internet by Brent Rinehart. I prayed to God heavily for our financial struggles and I know he is up there working on something greater, more rewarding for us. Here is our top 10 list of ways a church can become a house of prayer for all nations. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord from this day forward. It's a simple but . However, the basics of how to enter into a relationship with Christ can be broken down and simplified. I believe He rose again and lives today. Evie. Now I am putting any obligations in front of God. When we interact online, helps us to be full of love, empathy, grace, mercy, peace, humility and goodness. 2 Be faithful in your witness to Jesus. I had a lot of people I helped and I feel useless to anyone a lot. Come into my heart by Your Holy Spirit to lead and live in me. When we're ready to become a Christian, we're ready to have our first real conversation with God, and these are its components: . No unconfessed or harbored sin- 4:17-30 - Sin in the life of a Christian does not cause us to lose our salvation, but it interrupts our relationship with God. Can he enter a second time into his mothers womb and be born? (John 3:4). Love is critical in the life of a follower of Christ. Give me the strength and courage to change It has been a awesome journey in the Lord. By Brent Rinehart, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. For by your stripes we are saved, healed and delivered from the enemy. In fact, in the ESV version, Romans 12:9-21appears under the heading of Marks of a True Christian. The truths expressed in this passage give us a roadmap to how to exhibit true Christian behavior. That means God loves you know matter what you've done. ( 1 Peter 3:18) "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous . It was that simple. Romans 6:23 states: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of . God I pray for you to guide me and for my to assist and help other people in need. Prayers; Donate; Prayer Request; Podcast; About; Contact; Facebook; . 3. The world sees one Christian's behavior and associates it with all Christians. By following prayer examples on the topics of The Lord's prayer, starting your day, love, fear, bedtime, and praise we can pray even when we are unsure what to pray. God is here and will never leave u, never. Now, I can live every day finally free from all doubt (1 John 5:13). By Brent Rinehart. People you do not understand how much this means to me and my family. Oh how wonderful this site is, I stumbled on the site earlier this morning and I must admit.. its a God sent! in our good intentions. There is no set way in becoming a believer in God because everyones individual walk varies slightly based on each persons situation. a "vaccine" you take once and everything stays the same. I still sit with no income to provide for my family. and for my sins. 1 Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. I thank you for everything Father, but I do not see any point of living anymore if I cant even pay doe bread. Its so wonderful to know that when Im down or unhappy I can easily go to this website and read a daily prayer..thank you Oh father for allowing me to stumble upon this website so that I can go on with life with the grace of Jesus name.amen!! Truly speaking, I cant anymore. Many Christians make the mistake of equating baptism with cleansing, but it is not how Jesus intended for this ritual to be understood. my faith, and make me sure in the knowledge that I can rely on For it with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. (Romans 10:9-10). Come into my life. The six steps to becoming saved as outlined in this guide will provide you with a new life of peace, love, and understanding of how to live how God wants us all to. If we can't answer all of these questions the way we ought, perhaps we should step away from the keyboard. I also pray that my prayer will help other people in the future. They are dedicated to living every moment with a heart of prayer, knowing that God is the one who answers and has already won the victory over every situation. And what we will be has not yet appeared. Im sorry for living a life without You at the center. Dear Lord, help me not to say yes when no is the right answer. Many versions of the Wordless Book, the Gospel Hand, and the Romans Road exist, which all explain salvation simply so anyone can understand it. Hello Jose. While many Christians have their own personal reasons for being baptized, there are six essential steps that every believer should take. Jose, may God bless you and your family always! When we say we are Christians we will still feel the sting of pain, share of heartaches, betrayals and temptations. Please Father move in this families life so they will know that just as in Bible times, You are still able to Heal the Sick and pour Your Peace upon the stormy waters of all distressing situations. They are committed to seeing God's will be . And so once we have turned from our sin, we then trust in Christ because salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone. Infiltrate into my heart, into my soul and into my life so I can be transformed into Your image. Let me learn your ways and who you are, for I have accepted you as my Father, Lord, and Savior. Let Him change your spirit and shift your attitudes to align with Him. Baptism is how we become saved (Romans, chapter six). Ask Him to confirm that in your heart. Here is another short prayer of salvation that evangelical pastors often pray with people at the altar: Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin. But I would encourage you to persevere, because I am confident that God has heard every one of your cries for help. Faith is a transference of dependence on myself to dependence on God. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. However, I have three children and a wife I love with all my heart and that way I could not go thru with it. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23. We recommend that you read through the prayer first, to be sure it's what you want to say. Raise up, I pray an army of faithful men to become prayer-warriors, intercessors for their families and for the whole body of Christ in these dark days that we are currently facing. Most people choose to do this in a quiet space, like their bedroom in the morning or evening. Hi people its almost a month now. Let me be faithful to your calling. Mark 11:20-25, James 1:22, Romans 2:13, Luke 11:28, Luke 6:46, 2 . Am I trying to overcome darkness with more darkness? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); document.getElementById("ak_js_2").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); My Goal Is to Inspire You and Help You Have Fun Serving Our Lord - Have Fun Greg, Leading Missionary Teams for 40 Years"Where Their is No Vision - The People Perish" KJVProverbs 29:18" As Iron Sharpens Iron - So One Person Sharpens Another"Proverbs 27:17"And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses,the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. I have not followed God, I will quit smoking now as from 24:00 on the 18_05_2016. Father, help us to be who you want us to be, help us to be like Christ. Thank You for offering gentle grace and guidance. The Bible explains how to become a Christian in very simple terms: Realize that everyone has sinned and can not live up to God's standard of holiness. it proves God didn't really accept you. And the Bible simply says that for by grace, or we say through faith that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Bible-study groups are substantially different from "Sunday School" when - Step four - You must endure . He just wants to know what's on your mind. I pray all these things in the Powerful Name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Christian prayer examples are prayers from Scripture. By praying this prayer you have become a Christian and your relationship with God has been renewed, you have been reconciled to God. We need to take time to listen and understand our brothers and sisters. So Jesus has provided salvation for us. Christians are people of prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and some of our prayer requests are in regards to the spiritual condition of our unsaved friends and relatives. Develop a strategic planor nothing will change. where I can learn Your word and the Father's will, where I can fellowship *This article is adapted from a radio message by H.M.S. not hold them against me and You will give me everlasting life. Each volunteer makes a commitment to serve a 2-hour shift once a week of their choosing. Thank you that you have died to take away all my sins. We start next week. Jesus also says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Love for God is how a person can be expected to live by the law love must first come from within, and then it becomes expressed through how we treat one another. For thou art our Illumination, and unto thee we ascribe glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. With less than a few hundred members there Guide me. Although, we dont have 2 pennies to rub together, my faith is at an all time high!! A Simple Salvation Prayer. Becoming a Christian (or a believer in Jesus Christ) involves a heart decision and a prayer to God. Thank Him for his love and guidance, tell Him about your struggles, triumphs, and worries, and ask Him for continued strength. Becoming a Christian is not making a new start in life; it is receiving a new life with which to start. Lord Jesus, please reveal yourself to Jose today and remind Him how proud you are of him. Dear Jose, I just came across your posts today and the last one is 7 months old and I am praying that by now the Lord Jesus Christ has moved in your life in a MIGHTY way and your circumstances have improved greatly. I still cant pay all my debts. Praise Him in the name of Jesus!!!!!!!. suggest you pray this prayer: Father God, I come to You right now, in the name of your most Holy Son, Jesus Dearest Father,Please in Your abundant Mercy help Vanessa and her husband to trust in You Lord as they walk away from stress, anxiety, financial hardship and the stronghold of the enemy. You will experience new life on this earth and new life for eternity. That, in itself, is simple, loving, and astounding. It is a life decision. If you are ready to take the life-changing step of becoming a Christian and joining God's family, you may wish to pray the prayer below. Thank you for allowing us to have a relationship with You. 1. And how can a man be born when he is old? And thanks for the update, Jose. But when we call upon your precious name, youll lead us straight to salvation. Dear God, Im asking you to bless and protect Jose. He rose again, and he invites us to know him. How to become a Christian is the ultimate question. Do you wish they would read the Bible? Please bless It is our Father, I confess that I have sinned against You. This gift or blessing should be sought after by every believer because it brings us to the next step. Let know learn to depend on you and appreciate you. It comes out of the heart, the inner person, the inner being to receive Christ. Loving God, I am in despair and lonely and need your comfort desperately. You are faithful and will pardon my sins and remember them no more. Pray it, and. May you send you angels to difflect the evil temptations of suicide and give Jose the strength to continue on with life. I pray to God for your strength for your family and may he continue to bless you abundantly. Step Three: Develop Disciplines of Good Deeds, Prayer, and Fasting In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us three duties of a Christian: good deeds, prayer, and fasting. It doesnt matter how much you know about God or how many good deeds you have done in your life when it comes down to the final judgment of Gods holy spirit at the end of time, whether we go to heaven will be decided by whether they recognize their sinful nature and acknowledge Christs sacrifice on the cross. how many steps are there, and how do I go about the journey of salvation? Thank You Father that right now, I am born again (John 3:3), as a fresh, new child of God (2 Corinthians 5:17), forever set free by Your truth . Dear God, thank You for choosing to love me! You don't have to attend Bible study group to be saved, but you definitely These steps are how we become born-again Christians how we get saved (John 14:15). People pray for all sorts of reasons. In Jesus Name, Amen. These 61 prayers should be memorized so when we become unsure of what to pray, we are already prepared. I invite Jesus to . So we have clearly outlined the steps that we need to take in order to become a Christian: (1) To believe in God, (2) to repent, (3) to confess our sins, (4) to be baptized and obey the Lord. God saves those who come to Him in faith, regardless of their age or actions. Friends, being a "true" Christian is not dependent on the number of hours spent praying. Am I Bugging God When I Continue to Pray about the Same Thing? I entrust Joses life to You, Father, and trust You to protect him, guide him, encourage him, and provide for him as You Alone can. Being saved is simply believing in Jesus and accepting Him. I am so glad everything is working out for you. He said, I stand at the door and knock. AMEN. Be willing to keep changing. GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME!!! Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. My things are just not coming on board. "For the wages of sin is death; but . You have to believe that there is something else out there other than yourself and your surrounding environment (aka faith). This happens through repentance (turning from evil) and having faith in Jesus. cant be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Jesus Teaches of Being Born Again ( New Birth. I began to pray to God.. the day after accepting the Lord into my heart, I had this sense of faith in me that everything WILL be ok!!! God, its time for me to leave this earth. You also made a commitment to start living as a Christian - to love God and to love your neighbour. Help us to be good stewards, and through your Holy Spirit, leads us in how we use it. How to become a follower of Jesus Christ (Christian) If you feel compelled to take your first step towards Jesus, you can do that right now wherever you are. So it becomes really a simple act of faith. It is a sincere and genuine desire to know God through Jesus Christ. AMEN, People I must tell you all God is good I just received I phone call from someone advise me about my business opportunity.

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prayer to become a christian