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UNCTAD/DER/2019. The Bank of Greece, EU, IMF, and others estimated the Greek economy contracted by 10% in 2020. . Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries. unctad creative economy. It . UNCTAD will continue catalysing change as we race to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Digital Economy Report 2019. unctad creative economy. It will examine the development implications of the growing role of digital platforms, particularly in the big data sphere. WTO AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Global Value Chain Development Report 2019 Technical innovation, supply chain trade, and workers in a globalized world Technological developments, such as robotics and big data, are reshaping global value chains (GVCs), leading to changes in labour markets and supply chain management. This chapter highlights China's successful digital transformation by examining trends in some of the key indicators digital economy's growth. The scope of this new analysis will include the market impact of new technologies, the consequences for small businesses in developing countries and the implications in terms of infrastructure, skills, respect for competition, data protection, and taxation, among other issues. The Report, formerly known as the Information Economy Report, monitors trends and policies related to access, use and impact of digital technologies from a development perspective. Data and research on internet including broadband, telecom, security, privacy, ICTs, openness, Internet economy, e-commerce, consumer policy and e-government., The OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2020 examines trends and analyses emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. The Digital Economy Report, formerly known as the Information Economy Report, monitors trends and policies related to access, use and impact of digital technologies from a development perspective. It examines recent trends and global developments in the data-driven digital economy, and reviews existing data governance approaches at the national, regional . Innovative, strategic & committed. Given the absence of relevant statistics and empirical evidence, as well as the rapid pace of technological change, decision-makers face a moving target when trying to adopt sound policies relating to the digital economy. Geneva | UNCTAD First Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Creative Economy, Global Trade of Cultural Goods in the Digital Age | UNESCO statistics study, UNCTAD meeting on creative economy and sustainable development - summarised reflections, UNCTAD Creative Economy Outlook report available in Chinese, Building Back Better with the Creative Economy - webinar, TERMS OF SERVICE & PRIVACY window.__mirage2 = {petok:"wbKFRQfDjuLDMXypfFZZnEkQW6slAMUWV2MZ8Q6VCcU-3600-0"}; According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Digital Economy Report 2019, the digital economy can be broken down into three main components: (i) core aspects which . (2019). A key conclusion that can be drawn from study of this report is that it is not appropriate at this time to lock in the current laissez-faire policies regarding data flows and taxation of the digital economy. The trend accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic and global Internet bandwidth saw its largest one-year increase since 2013. report builds on the track record and presents policy advice on how to deal with close to 3,000 old-generation investment treaties. They account for about 90 per cent of the market capitalization of the worlds largest digital platforms. This first edition of theDigital Economy Report previously known as theInformation Economy Report examines the scope for value creation and capture in the digital economy by developing countries. ADVERTISEMENT Presenting the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Digital Economy Report 2019, the Director of UNCTAD's Division of Technology and Logistics, Shamika Sirimanne, said the divide between developed and developing countries, "does not apply to the digital economy" and noted that "in terms of wealth creation, it is basically a . It came at a time when countries across Asia have been grappling with a complex digital future. According to the report, India generated the ninth-highest e-commerce sales globally in 2017, by. ANN - An overview of digital strategies across Asia in light of the first ever annual Digital Economy Report released by UNCTAD last week. Cross-border data flows and development: For whom the data flow, Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries, Information Economy Report 2015 - Unlocking the Potential of E-commerce for Developing Countries, The Cloud Economy and Developing Countries, The Software Industry and Developing Countries, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and . Tuvalu eTrade Readiness Assessment (2019) UNCTAD October 1, 2019 . It will examine the development implications of the growing role of digital platforms, particularly in the big data sphere. 4 September 2019 Economic Development. It outlines the enormous potential gains and possible development costs as more of the world moves, connects and . UNCTAD. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released its first-ever Digital Economy Report 2019 that maps the flow, data and funds in the world's digital economy. Facts: About the report: The report A review of national policies suggests that the chosen regulations depend on the technological, economic, social, political, institutional and cultural conditions in each country. To do so, they need a clear and . The correct answer is United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.. Key Points. The first UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2019 is published online, an analysis ofValue Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries. UNCTAD Investment | UNCTAD INVESTMENT REPORT WORLD 2017 - ESCAP World Investment Report 2017 - UNCTAD Investment Policy Hub World Investment Report 2017 Invest-ment and the Digital Economy PREFACE In 2016, global ows of foreign direct in-vestment fell by about 2 per cent, to $1.75 trillion. Register online for this meeting A key challenge is how to govern and harness the surge in digital data for the global good. A key conclusion that can be drawn from study of this report is that it is not appropriate at this time to lock in the current . The recent statistics show that half of the world's population is online, while internet industry has signicant contribu- . At head of title: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD. measuring the emerging digital economy as far back as 1998. Rationale for Panel 2: FDI in the digitalized world. World Investment Report. While these are still early days of the digital economy, it is already clear that it will have globally transformative impacts on the way we live, work and develop our economies. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the process of digital transformation and added urgency for Governments to respond. Digital technologies help cut costs, enable . A smart embrace of new technologies, enhanced partnerships and greater intellectual leadership are needed to redefine digital development strategies and the future contours of globalization. The Report provides valuable insights and analyses to support policymakers at the national and international levels to ensure that no one is left behind by the fast-evolving digital economy. Community (EAC) amount Nations Conference on Trade and to only 1.7 per cent of total gross Development (UNCTAD) . Against this backdrop, the UNCTAD secretariat will hold the First Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Creative Economy on Monday, 28 October 2019 from 10 am to 6 pm at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The rapid spread of digital technologies is transforming many economic and social activities. 2019 : value creation and capture : implications for developing countries UNCTAD. Online platform companies exchange "free" digital goods and services for consumer data, reaping potentially significant economic benefits by monetizing data. ; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 to promote the development-friendly . Economies can be mapped on a regulatory spectrum based on the assessment of relevant domestic laws, regulations and policies regulating cross-border data flows, ranging from strict data localization regulations to policies for free flow of data. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2019). Chapter 7 Engaging in the digital economy: issues and agenda . The Report presents recent trends and discusses key policies for value creation and capture in the digital economy, notably with regards to entrepreneurship, data, trade, competition, taxation, intellectual property and employment. As the world strives to implement the 2030 . The data-driven digital economy is characterized by large imbalances: Only 20 per cent of people in least developed countries use the Internet; when they do, it is typically at relatively low download speeds and with a relatively high price tag attached. Experienced manager, with 15+years in global strategic communications & policy advocacy in development, south south cooperation and global health. The rapid spread of digital technologies is transforming many economic and social activities. . 201994UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development2019Digital Economy Report 2019Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries" " A key challenge for policymakers in today's global economy is digital development. Jan 2018 - Present4 years 11 months. Digital Economy refers to the full range of economic, social and cultural activities supported by the Internet and related information and communications technologies. 2019 : value creation and capture : implications for developing countries. Somewhat simplified, the United States focuses on control of the data by the private sector. released its first ever annual Digital Economy Report (2019). We count on the support of all. . It will assess what countries need to do to capture a fair share of the value created in the digital economy for their own development. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTADUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD This of course comes on top of other EU moves to weaken U.S. tech leadership, including digital taxes, more aggressive enforcement of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, increased national antitrust enforcement, and overlapping national ex ante regulation of platforms. The front-runners in harnessing the value of data. 04 Sep 2019. POLICY, CREATIVE Press Briefing by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on the launch of the Digital Economy Report 2019, with Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief of the UNCTAD New York office. Available online (viewed 28 Oct. 2019). Includes bibliographical references (p. 154-172). World Bank (2018a). Ultrafast is emerging: 15% of homes use it already, which is twice as high as two years ago, but still well below the 2020 target of 50%. The Information Economy Report 2017 analyzes the evolving digital economy and its implications for trade and development. de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Released on December 7, the 100+ page Walk to the Depth: 2021 China Digital Economy Report presents a comprehensive review of China's entire digital industry, with an in-depth look at over 2,000 . Washington, DC: The World Bank. 3. "Modelling the world McDaniel, C. and Norberg, H. C. (2019), economy at the 2050 horizon", Economics "Can blockchain technology facilitate of Transition 21(4): . In 2016, the U.S. Department of Commerce formed the inaugural Digital Economy Board of Advisors (DEBA) made up Canadian businesses and governments must therefore expand their current efforts to digitalize Canada's economy and join the world's digital trade leaders. The digital revolution has left profound impact on the overall global economy. Digital economy report. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General of UNCTAD Download. A strong case can be made for a global data governance framework that complements other levels of governance. SOUNDBITE (English) Shamika Sirimanne, Director, Division of Technology and Logistics, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD): "When we normally talk about development, we always talk about developed countries and developing countries, and that divide does not apply to the digital economy. Investment in developing . ISBN / ISSN 9789211129557 9789210042161 (e-ISBN) 2664-2255 2664-2263 (eISSN) Inequality will worsen unless the so-called "digital divide" - the gap between under-connected and highly digitalized countries - is not addressed, warns a new report released on Wednesday by the UN trade body, UNCTAD. The Digital Economy Report 2019 on "Value creation and capture: Implications for developing countries" takes stock of recent trends in the global digital landscape and discusses the development and policy implications of data and digital platforms. The top seven global platforms are increasingly investing in all parts of the global data value chain, leveraging their competitive data advantage and increasing the gap to the competition. ; It outlines the enormous potential gains and possible development costs as more of the world moves, connects and buys online. World Investment Report 2017 . We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Knowledge for Development, World Development Report 1998 - 99. 4 September 2019: The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released a report finding that "concerted global efforts are required" to better distribute gains from the digital economy and minimize the digital divide. It gives special attention to opportunities for these countries to take advantage of the data-driven economy as producers and innovators but also to the constraints they face notably with regard to digital data and digital platforms. This would bring global FDI below $1 trillion for the first time since 2005. The Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2019-2020 pro-vides novel . Rationale for Panel 2: FDI in the digitalized world. Consequently, a data-related divide is adding to the traditional digital divide. Global trade in goods decreased 9%, and global trade in services decreased 15%. UNCTAD News - LatestBreaking New Today November 3, 2022 about UNCTAD NNN Page 3 of 5 Two countries stand out in terms of capacity to engage in and benefit from the data-driven digital economy: the United States and China. News:United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released the Digital Economy Report 2019. Published every other year, the Report is prepared in close collaboration with external experts and organizations, including e-commerce associations, the ITC, ITU, UNCITRAL, UN regional commissions, UPU, World Information Technology and Services Alliance, WTO and World Bank. It outlines the enormous potential gains and possible development costs as more of the world moves, connects and buys online. Information Economy Report 2017 . de la Paix, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland, Welcome to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Information Economy Report 2015 (Overview), Information Economy Report 2013 (Overview), Information Economy Report 2012 (Corrigendum). 8 in contrast, the eu accounts for only 3.6 per cent of this market The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.. At the same time, e-commerce's share in global retail increased from 14% to 17% from 2019 to 2020. A smart embrace of new technologies, enhanced partnerships and greater intellectual leadership are needed to redefine digital development . strong marks for its initial response in limiting the spread of the pandemic and has implemented several innovative digital reforms to its economy during COVID-19. 2 Abstract . The first-ever Digital Economy Report outlines enormous potential gains from the . But its significant 3% contribution to global gross domestic product (GDP) makes it a powerful emerging economic sector that is being strengthened by a surge in digitalization and services. These are early days in the digital era and there are still more questions than answers about how to deal with the digital challenge. The correct answer is UNCTAD.. Key Points. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). World Bank (1999). The digital revolution has left profound impact on the overall global [8] The report recommends increasing assistance to support countries that are lagging behind, building capacities in the . The report provides a fresh and holistic view of this particular kind of international economic flow. While creating many new opportunities, widening digital divides threaten to leave developing countries, and especially least developed countries, further behind. victorian house museum; unctad creative economy. Concerted global efforts are required to spread the rapidly expanding digital economy's gains to the many people who currently reap little benefit from it, says this new United Nations report. The FDI is projected to decrease by a further 5% to 10% in 2021. This was achieved through both a new report on trade in creative goods and services and upgraded digital communications channels for the programme. Why global data governance matters for development, Concentration in value-creation and capture in the digital economy, Global framework to enable data flows, with development objectives in mind, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. A new UNCTAD report provides policy recommendations for developing countries to harness new technological trends for their creative economy. 19. Led a strategic project to reshape and reposition UNCTAD's Creative Economy Programme. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has released its first-everDigital Economy Report 2019that maps the flow, data and funds in the worlds digital economy. There can be various legitimate public policy reasons for countries to regulate cross-border data flows, such as the protection of privacy and other human rights, national security, as well as economic development objectives. The UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2019 recommends commissioning the private sector to build the necessary infrastructure for extracting data, which can be stored in a public data fund that is part of the national data commons. Key Points Global Scenario: According to the report, global FDI flows are forecast to decrease by up to 40% in 2020, from their 2019 value of $1.54 trillion. The Resource Digital economy report, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD, (electronic resource) A slowing economy has prompted the government to announce a slew of measures to pump up economic activity. Global debates on the governance of data and cross-border data flows need to be fully inclusive; they should ideally take place under the auspices of the United Nations, the most inclusive international forum in terms of country representation. // In addition, the regions are expected to experience the fastest growth rates, at 41% each year. It will assess what countries need to do to capture a fair share of the value created in the digital economy for their own development. Investment in developing countries declined even . The Chinese model emphasizes control of data by the Government, while the European Union favours control of data by individuals on the basis of fundamental rights and values. he T Info. The UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released its first-ever Digital Economy Report 2019 that maps the flow, data and funds in the world's digital economy. Latest Revised: February 21, 2019. There is some issue in accessing document path, Please contact to Site Admin, Launch of the Digital Economy Report 2019, UNCTAD - Palais des Nations, 8-14, Av. The first UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2019 is published online, an analysis of Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries. World Investment Report. Phnom Penh Team Leader Tonga National e-Commerce Assessment (PIFS / DFAT Australia funded) . Data flows are expanding rapidly. The Digital Economy Report 2021 takes a deep dive into the development and policy implications of cross-border flows of digital data. 2019: 12.4%: UNCTAD data available . Read the full report on Broadband market developments in the EU 2018 Human Capital Internet use, global, by level of development, selected years (Per cent). These are early days in the digital era and there are still more questions than answers about how to deal with the . -The projections estimate that the volume of business of e-Commerce will grow up to $130 billion by 2020-One of the Mobile-first Nations in Asia with 70% Internet traffic-The government has adopted an E-Commerce road map for 2017-2019 on 8 key areas: Education, HR Development, ICT Infrastructure, Logistics, Cyber Security, Funding, Taxation . Spanish, English and French. justifications, in the UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2019; Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries. UNCTAD. Digital Economy PREFACE In 2016, global flows of foreign direct investment fell by about 2 per cent, to $1.75 trillion. UNCTAD's 'Digital Economy Report 2019' was released globally on Wednesday night. While creating many new opportunities, widening digital divides threaten to leave developing countries, and especially least developed countries, further behind. A global approach in this area needs to address several key policy areas and priorities. Digital Economy Report 2019 issued first time by UNCTAD. Its contribution is likely to grow, say those monitoring the creative economy, if certain key trends can be addressed. Concerted global efforts are required to spread the rapidly expanding digital economys gains to the many people who currently reap little benefit from it, says thisnew United Nations report. Fuelled by digitalisation and advanced technologies, the creative economy holds vast potential for inclusive economic transformation and social development.&nbsp;Creative Industry 4.0: Towards. The Digital Economy Report 2019 will provide an update on the latest trends in the global digital economy. Press conference by Chantal Line Carpentier, Chief of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) New York office on the launch of the Digital Economy Report 2019. E-commerce and Digital Economy Adviser #ConnectCambodia UNDP Cambodia Jul 2019 - Feb 2020 8 months. Competing in the Digital Age: Policy Implications for the Russian Federation . In 2001, the U.S. Census Bureau issued a report citing the same rationale used by advocates of digital economy measurement today. The Report, formerly known as the Information Economy Report, monitors trends and policies related to access, use and impact of digital technologies from a development perspective. to illustrate the point, according to the 2019 unctad digital economy report, china and the united states account for 90 per cent of the market capitalisation value of the worlds' seventy largest digital platform companies and 'are set to reap the largest economic gains from ai'. The digital economy's contribution to China's GDP growth in 2016 was around 60 per cent, and henceforth it has become the new driver of its economic growth. Formats. UNCTAD, SEGIB, UNITED NATIONS, UNICEF, MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES, Co-Chair Communication Network OECD Development Center. Geneva. The data-driven digital economy is characterized by large imbalances: Only 20 per cent of people in least developed countries use the Internet; when they do, it is typically at relatively low download speeds and with a relatively high price tag attached. Format; BibTeX: View Download: MARC: View . Among the major geopolitical players in the digital economy, the approaches for governing data flows and the digital economy more broadly vary considerably. QME8CD World Investment Report 2017 Unctad Home 1 . The theme chapter of the Report shows that the digital economy is having a major impact on global patterns of investment. Greece ranks 72 of 190 economies surveyed . Digital economy report. BANGKOK Last week, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released its first ever annual Digital Economy Report (2019). This limits the possibilities to participate in and benefit from the evolving data-driven . December 18, 2019 The Commission "'Competition Law 4.0'" was set up by the German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy with the task to draw up recommendations for the further development of EU competition law in the light of the digital economy. The Facebook -Cambridge Analy tica data scandal demonstrates that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the digital world. This limits the possibilities to participate in and benefit from the evolving data-driven digital economy. "Digital disruption looks set to completely reshape trade, and the world as we know it," the report concludes, noting that it will be "critical that developing countries plan by paying attention to emerging trends and move quickly, and sustainably, to catch the digital headwinds." Image Credits: UNCTAD COMMONS ATTRIBUTION - NON COMMERCIAL SHARE. tion policies in FDI in the context of Indian economy. The final report with 22 recommendations was handed over in September 2019. For global data governance to be effective, a new global institutional framework is needed, with the appropriate mix of multilateral, multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary engagement. 75% of European homes subscribe to fixed broadband, and one third of all homes have at least 30 Mbps. Drawing from He and Sun (2020), it shares The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has forecast India's growth to moderate to 6% in 2019 from 7.4% in 2018 due to lower-than-targeted tax collections and limited public spending. The cover-age for such an important theme is too vast to cover in a single . Drive global cloud, data/AI, application modernization and digital transformation product and service delivery empowering high performing sales . Wealth creation in the digital economy is highly concentrated in the United States and China, with the rest of the world, especially countries in Africa and Latin America, trailing considerably far behind, according to the report. It informs development stakeholders in developing countries and provides guidance to policymakers. The current context is one of tensions among these areas, particularly between the United States and China. Digital advances have already led to the creation of enormous wealth in record time, but this is highly concentrated in a small number of countries, companies and individuals. UNCTAD. It has been estimated that global Internet traffic in 2022 will exceed all the Internet traffic up to 2016. Co-author of the global 2018 UNCTAD Creative Economy Outlook Report. The Report presents recent trends and discusses key policies for value creation and capture in the digital economy, notably with regards to entrepreneurship, data, trade, competition, taxation, intellectual property and employment. To know how our report can help streamline your business, Speak to Analyst . A key feature of the evolving digital economy is the increasing role of digital data as an economic resource, together with digital platforms . Kiribati eTrade Readiness Report (2019) UNCTAD December 10, 2019 See publication. 2019 Download. Existing institutional frameworks at the international level are not fit for purpose to address the specific characteristics and needs of global data governance. Many of these questions raised in this open consultation are addressed, with evidence-based justifications, in the UNCTAD Digital Economy Report 2019; Value Creation and Capture: Implications for Developing Countries. 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unctad digital economy report 2019