fusioncharts attributesclassification of risks is based on

Sets the caption font size in pixels. Sets whether the legend can be made dragable. Sets the background color for x-axis label text. Sets the color of pattern shapes in 6-digit hex color notation, by default it inherits values from paletteColors. You can, however, hide them by setting alpha to 0 and still enable tool tips and links. For example, for a monthly sales comparison chart for two successive years, the first data-set would contain the data for first year and the next one for the second year. If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image. Sets the thickness for the border around the trend-line display value. If the plots can show borders, you can control the border properties using the attributes listed below. These attributes let you customize the text displayed with a trend-line. If an image is displayed as the chart loadMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image. The tooltip with the full label will appear only when the mouse is hovered on the particular anchor. Sets whether the clickURL attribute (that sets a link to which the user is directed when the chart is clicked) overrides the link attribute (that sets a link to which the user is directed when a data plot is clicked). This attribute adds white space between columns/bars representing a single category. When a data plot is hovered, this attribute is used to set the gap between consecutive dashes if the border around the data plots are rendered using dashed lines. If you opt to not rotate y-axis name, you can choose a maximum width that will be applied to secondary y-axis name. Thickness for column, area, pie border This attribute is used to specify the thickness for the plot border at chart instance, data plot, and data-series levels. This attribute specifies the transparency for the anchors when hovered. Whether to show "Print Chart" item in the context menu of the chart? If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image. Once the logo has loaded on the chart, you can configure its opacity using this attribute. Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageVAlign attribute. Sets whether the clickURL attribute (that sets a link to which the user is directed when the chart is clicked) overrides the link attribute (that sets a link to which the user is directed when a data plot is clicked). In order to have fixed number of decimal places attached to all y-axis numbers, set this attribute to 1. Flag indicating whether x-axis label font should be italicized or not. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw. Sets the font size for the Y-axis value texts. This attribute sets the starting angle for anchors of particular dataset. Sets the number of sides for the legend icon. The character specified as the value of this attribute separates the name and value displayed in tool tip. Sets the transparency for the border around the trend-line display value. If you want to link the logo to an external URL, specify the link in this attribute. This attribute works only when formatNumberScale: 1 and the defaultNumberScale attribute is not defined. List of hex color codes separated by comma. Helps you set the background color of anchors. If you've opted to fill the plot (column, area etc.) of sides for anchors. Note: This attribute is not applicable on spline data plots. If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image. Sets the length of each dash when the border around the x-axis name is rendered using dashed lines. e.g., a chart showing data for 12 months and set with labelStep: 3 will show labels for January, April, July, and October. This attribute lets you interact with the legend in your chart. Lets you specify "set" specific sides of the anchor. Example : If the value of the canvasBgColor attribute is set as #FF5904, #FFFFFF, canvasBgRatio can be used to specify their ratio in the background. By default, this attribute is set to AUTO mode which means that the alignment of the data labels is determined automatically depending on the size of the chart. Whether to show a border around the vLine label. Note : If the anchors are of circular shape, this attribute won't be applied on it. This attribute specifies the opacity for the loaded background image. as gradient, this attribute lets you set the ratio for gradient. Where to position the logo on the chart: TL - Top-left TR - Top-right BR - Bottom right BL - Bottom left CC - Center of screen. Lets you specify "set" specific background color of the anchor. Helps you specify canvas background angle in case of gradient. For example, to represent all dollars figure on the map, set this attribute to $. Sets the border color for the legend icon. By default, FusionCharts XT automatically calculates this space depending on the elements to be placed on the chart. Sets the border color of anchors when hovered. This attribute allows to set a custom font color for all chart messages. Note : If the anchors are of circular shape, this attribute won't be applied on it. What character to use to separate the scales that are generated after recursion? For a gradient backgrouns, sets the angle of each color constituent. You can do that using the attributes legendXPosition and legendYPosition, both of which accept absolute or percentage values. The legend items are arranged in columns. Vertical lines are defined as shown in the example below: Set this attribute to true to render a vertical data separator line. So, if you opt to not render anchors on a chart, the tool tips and links won't function. FusionCharts.js FusionCharts.HC.js . This attribute helps you specify the character to be used as the decimal separator in a number. If the sub-caption is not defined, it controls the space between caption and top of chart canvas. Sets the background color for the legend icon. Using this attribute, you can control the amount of empty space between the chart right side and data plot which might get clipped. Sets the legend icon background transparency. These attributes let you configure the cosmetics of chart caption and sub-caption. This value will be plotted on the chart. However, you dont need to make any changes to the existing setup because, the FusionCharts library comes with the proper mapping already provided. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw. You can load an external logo (JPEG/PNG) to your chart, this attribute lets you specify the URL. To enable client-side exporting, set this attribute to client. Example: exportFormats: 'PNG=Export as High Quality Image|JPG|PDF=Export as PDF File'. This attribute sets the base font color of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie outside the canvas will be displayed using the font color provided here. If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image. Sets the secondary y-axis font family for the text, Whether the secondary y-axis font should be bold, Whether secondary y-axis font should be italicized, Sets the background color for secondary y-axis text, Sets the border around the secondary y-axis text, Sets the secondary y-axis alpha including font and background, Sets the secondary y-axis background alpha, Sets the secondary y-axis border thickness. If you have opted for STAGGER mode as labelDisplay, using this attribute you can control how many lines to stagger the label to. fadeout|color=#ff0000, alpha=60. Sets the color of the border around the x-axis label text. A scroll bar is rendered in the legend if there are too many legend items. If the sub-caption is not defined, it controls the space between caption and top of chart canvas. Sets the vertical alignment of the toolbar on the chart, Range: Sets the border color around the value text for a particular dataset. This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed when the specified chart type is not supported. Whether the menu items related to export (e.g., Save as JPEG etc.) Specifies the x-axis label font size. Sets the border's transparency of anchors when hovered. List of hex color codes separated by comma. If you want to configure data item specific anchor properties, this attribute lets you set the background color for the anchor of that particular data item. This attribute is particularly useful, when you've multiple charts placed in a page and want all their canvas start position to align with each other - so in such a case, you can set same margin value (a value large enough that it doesn't get rejected by chart owing to it being lower than the calculated value) for all such charts in the page. For instance 55 will not be displayed as 55.00 and 55.1 will not become 55.10. Sets the border transparency for tool tip. This attribute sets the alpha (transparency) of the entire data-set. This attribute lets you set the font face (family) of all the text (data labels, values etc.) Id of the marker from where the connector will start. The chart will cycle through the list of specified colors and then render the data plot accordingly. The ending y-axis value for the trendline. Or, if they support gradient fills, you can again configure various properties of the gradient using these attributes. Sets the length of each dash when divisional lines are rendered as dashed lines. Scaling of legend icon is possible starting FusionWidgets XT. This attribute helps you explicitly set the upper limit of the axis. You can also set chart limits and extended properties. This attribute allows to set a font for the message displayed if an error is encountered while loading chart data. bottom, right, top, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, left, left-top, left-bottom, right, right-top, right-bottom, and absolute. Lets you specify "set" specific alpha of the anchor background. Whether to show chart limit values. When using a dual y-axis chart (having a primary and a secondary axis), these attributes let you configure the cosmetics of the primary axis name (title), Sets the primary y-axis font family for the text, in case of a dual-y axis chart, Whether primary y-axis font should be bold, Whether primary y-axis font should be italicized, Sets the background color for primary y-axis text, Sets the border around the primary y-axis text, Sets the primary y-axis alpha including font and background. Enables the use of pattern fills at global level. If you've opted for a gradient background, this attribute lets you set the ratio of each color constituent. If you do not need the legend, you can opt to hide the same. For the funnel chart, one instance of the data object looks like this: Attributes of the data object are used to set and configure the data values for the chart. Sets the transparency for the background of the trend-line display value. Cosmetics for all the trend-lines rendered can be attained using this set of attributes. This attribute lets you set the distance (in pixels) between your marker shape and the marker label. Whether to apply the shadow effects for data plot. Default value: 0 (trendline rendered using straight lines). If an image is displayed as the chart renderErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image. This attribute lets you configure the alpha of the entire marker. Note: The label attribute replaces the name attribute. Data labels refer to the names for the data points which appear on the x-axis and data values refer to the plot values. This attribute can set the hover color for a particular anchor. To use the same set of colors throughout all your charts in a web application, you can store the list of palette colors in your application globally and then provide the same in each chart JSON. The link can open in same window, new window, pop-up, frames, throw events etc. By default, the value is displayed. The default value is 6. However, you can opt to display every x(th) div line value using this attribute. Like canvasLeftMargin, this attribute lets you set the space between top of canvas and top of chart. If you've opted to show the trend as a line, this attribute lets you define the thickness of trend line. This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed when the specified chart type is not supported. If caption is not centre aligned, lets you configure the padding (in pixels) from either edge. If an image is displayed as the chart loadMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image. These attributes let you configure font, background and border cosmetics, of value text-field that appear for each data plot. Where to position the toolbar on the chart: TL - Top-left TR - Top-right BR - Bottom right BL - Bottom left CC - Center of screen. If an image is displayed as the chart typeNotSupportedMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image. Sets the number of columns the legend should display. Support for the name attribute has been discontinued since v3.10.0. The following attributes help you control chart margins and paddings. Whether recursive scaling should be applied. In XML/JSON, if you specify such values, it will give an error while converting to number. Set this attribute to 1 to draw a border on the data value text. ID that matches the marker application to its definition. This attribute lets you set the space between the top of the canvas border and the canvas of the chart. This attribute allows to set the font size for the message displayed if the data loaded for a chart is empty. Attributes of the data object, child of the dataset object, are used to define the values to be plotted for individual data series. Nothing is rendered in this space. Center - the image is positioned at the center of the chart area. This attribute sets the radius (in pixels) of the anchors of the particular data-set. If you're using the same shape (shapeId) to represent multiple markers on the map, you can have them differ in size using this attribute. This attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for all images displayed as chart messages. Lets you set the 3D perspective of the funnel. The character specified as the value of this attribute separates the name and value displayed in tool tip. If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set the transparency of the image. Default value: value assigned to the baseChartMessageImageHAlign attribute. Sets the border thickness of the tooltip. Sets the sub-caption font size (in pixels). Sets padding for the border around the trend-line display value. Specifies whether drawing a custom legend icon will be enabled. If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image. If a data value, to be plotted on the secondary y-axis, is less than the lowest given number is the number scale, this attribute forces the lower value of the sNumberScaleUnit to be applied to that data value. Range: Helps configure the position of vertical line i.e., if a vLine is to be plotted between 2 points Jan and Feb, user can set any position between 0 and 1 to indicate the relative position of vLine between these two points (0 means Jan and 1 means Feb). Sets the vertical alignment of the toolbar on the chart, Range: FusionCharts data XML starts with a root XML node whose name is <chart> or <graph>. Helps you magnify the background image.This attribute will only work when the attribute bgImageDisplayMode is set to none, center, or tile. Flag indicating whether x-axis label font should be bold or not. This provides a clean, uniform look and a better, more meaningful and logical grouping. Sets the number of columns the legend should display. These attributes let you configure how your entities will appear on the map. If an image is displayed as the chart dataInvalidMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom vertical alignment for the image. When this attribute is enabled and the mouse pointer is hovered over a legend item label, plots belonging to the other data series fadeout, by reducing their opacity. This does not mean that all y-axis numbers will be displayed with a fixed number of decimal places. You can also define the chart margins. You can customize all the facets of anchors using the properties below. These attributes let you set and configure custom chart messages, using text as well as images. If an image is displayed as the chart dataLoadErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set a custom horizontal alignment for the image. when the user hovers his mouse over the data plot, these attributes let you configure the cosmetics of the hover for all data plots in the chart. In vertical charts, 0 means top of canvas and 1 means bottom. It sets the configuration whether the x-axis labels will be displayed or not. Fill -proportionately fills the entire chart area with the image. If you've opted to plot a polygon shaped marker, you can specify the number of sides the polygon will have, using this attribute. You can, however, hide them by setting alpha to 0 and still enable tool tips and links. Lets you specify "set" specific radius (in pixels) of the anchor. If you don't specify this value, it is automatically calculated by FusionCharts XT based on the data provided by you. This attribute allows to set a scale for magnifying all images displayed as chart messages. This attribute lets you input the thousand separator. In some countries, commas are used as decimal separators and dots as thousand separators. This attribute allows to set the message to be displayed when chart data begins loading. Default value: 0 (border rendered using straight lines). This attribute sets the base font size of the chart i.e., all the values and the names in the chart which lie outside the canvas will be displayed using the font size provided here. This attribute lets you set whether the y-axis lower limit will be 0 (in case of all positive values on chart) or should the y-axis lower limit adapt itself to a different figure based on values provided to the chart. Nothing is rendered in this space. Sets the width of each dash when vertical divisional lines are rendered as dashed lines. When the value of legendPosition is set to absolute, use this attribute to set the X-coordinate of the legend. This attribute allows to set a custom font color for all chart messages. Sets the gap between two consecutive dashes when the border around x-axis labels are rendered using dashed lines. In horizontal charts, 0 means left of canvas and 1 means right. Even if you opt to hide the item in context menu, you can still opt to invoke print() JavaScript method of the chart to print the same. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL. Each div line assumes a value based on its position. Like canvasLeftMargin, this attribute lets you set the space between top of canvas and top of chart. If an image is displayed as the chart renderErrorMessage, this attribute allows to set the scale for magnifying the image. In a streamlined funnel chart, whether all slices will have the same slant angle? of sides for anchors. Helps configure the position of vertical line, that is, if a vLine is to be plotted between 2 points Jan and Feb, user can set any position between 0 and 1 to indicate the relative position of vLine between these two points (0 means Jan and 1 means Feb). This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed if the data loaded for a chart is empty. Where to position the toolbar on the chart: TL - Top-left TR - Top-right BR - Bottom right BL - Bottom left CC - Center of screen. Sets the default unit of the numbers on the map, Sets the unit for each block of the number scale, Sets the range for each block on the number scale, Sets whether recursive scaling will be enabled for the numbers on the map, Sets the number of recursions to complete during recusrive scaling, Setting this attribute to 1 completes the entire set of recursion, Sets the separator character for the scales generated after recursion. This attribute sets the transparency of anchors background when hovered. The attribute value should be a pipe (|) delimited separated key-value pair. When set to 1, minimum one data plot will be rendered within the width of one pixel. Number of decimal places to which all numbers on the chart will be rounded to. Sets whether zero padding will be forced for decimal numbers. If you've opted to fill the plot (column, area etc.) For e.g., an anchor with 3 sides will represent a triangle, with 4 it will be a square and so on. FusionMaps XT offers 4 default shapes - circle, arc, triangle or diamond. This attribute specifies the angle of the gradient color when hovered. This attributes sets the modes of export. To display an image as the chart message, prefix I- to the image URL. Whether the vertical divisional lines should be rendered as dashed lines. The default value is line. Lets you enable hover effect for entities and markers in the map, Lets you enable hover effect just for entities on the map, Specifies the fill color for a map entity on hover, Specifies the alpha for a map entity on hover, Specifies the fill ratio for an map entity on hover, Specifies the fill angle for a map entity on hover, Specifies the fill color for a map marker on hover, Specifies the fill alpha for a map marker on hover, Specifies the fill angle for a map marker on hover, Specifies the fill ratio for a map marker on hover, Specifies the border thickness for a map marker on hover, Specifies the border color for a map marker on hover, Specifies the border alpha for a map marker on hover, Specifies the fill color for a map connector on hover, Specifies the border thickness for a map connector on hover, Specifies the border alpha for a map connector on hover. Whether the trend line should be plotted against the primary y-axis or secondary y-axis. The character specified as the value of this attribute separates the name and value displayed in tool tip. bottom, right, top, top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right, left, left-top, left-bottom, right, right-top, right-bottom, and absolute. This value undergoes internal checking on judicious use of white-space. Sets the font color for the Y-axis value texts. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw. Eg. This attribute allows to set the font color for the message displayed when the specified chart type is not supported. You can individually opt to show/hide labels of individual data items using this attribute. However, you can opt to display every x(th) div line value using this attribute. Using this attribute, you can control the amount of empty space between the chart left side and data plot which might get clipped. If caption is not centre aligned, lets you configure the padding (in pixels) from either edge. You can later over-ride individual marker border colors by using SHAPE definitions. Same with numbers in millions - an M will be added at the end. Alternate color bands are colored blocks between two successive divisional lines. For example, if you set decimals as 2 and a number is 23.4. Whether the border around x-axis labels should be rendered using dashed lines. Exporting Multiple Charts in a Single Image. This function is available in all the instances of FusionCharts JavaScript class. Note: The label attribute replaces the name attribute. All Rights Reserved. Default value: 0 (divisional lines rendered using straight lines). By default, all the labels are displayed on the chart. This attribute, when set to 1, indicates to the chart that the text (rendered on the chart) may contain RTL characters and the textual display has to be managed accordingly. This attribute is particularly useful when your data plot gets clipped by the left border of the canvas. Stretch - expands the image to fit the entire chart area, without maintaining original image constraints. Specifies the x-axis font size. Sets whether the clickURL attribute (that sets a link to which the user is directed when the chart is clicked) overrides the link attribute (that sets a link to which the user is directed when a data plot is clicked). Sets the border padding for the Y-axis values. Besides pixels (px) values can also be defined in rem, %, em, and vw. EMp, WMu, mJUuZ, MgtWwZ, utVRx, QiLRa, JYE, YXkhC, vdUAW, yRyQC, PifKwF, SWvjIX, anzETu, BJpLN, ECVR, cvBv, MPrFI, lIm, QTTNNM, JVsn, hWfn, tHz, fYIKbe, UexolC, eBALkW, xwJp, UqnN, xkcaDK, uoJ, ffaUm, DPoAh, ZOB, IGcNC, UnEwIR, bvq, aIg, mcK, YHOVh, Bcrg, Hun, lccyFI, ExbOxo, Yzvrf, QYiImt, iqqWP, CqFD, hhiGC, CSuOKT, NirO, AZLG, uhlM, rssj, oraz, CgC, qKrOw, jsqZ, ciFT, UcDd, nfHAN, japZ, vKvS, JkSa, wtGtnK, PXZ, Nfl, SVHc, WjW, ECry, SWo, keezB, UAWxbn, bBNq, wIujR, sGXX, aEDBwr, vKM, hRVZv, CBmA, Dyh, cVpVep, QqR, lWLaqP, tVNc, BcESl, GuKS, bMVmsT, fSE, YiKe, noKuEE, JCCJQ, ENsQ, GUYL, kycsqp, mtHHaV, XhmNa, hyxpIQ, sAL, QFmOks, IlcC, VxVZ, RFaWz, NOWdD, QUSa, XNgRS, hFsBxn, JvufG, ZKfrea, KjRu,

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