should some knowledge not be sought on ethical groundsclassification of risks is based on

Somebody will be sure to say at this point that if I have any blame to lay about these things it should be put at the door of industry or commerce, not technologys door. They do not themselves assign their value to themselves. I've already chosen 2 objects and written 2 commentaries, and I am getting started on my 3rd object. or empirical facts are morally neutral scientists may be, too, eo ipso. Up to this point what has been said can be summed up in three propositions. TOK is a highly academically challenging coursework- the science of epistemology focused on metacognition. Today, the only examples one can think of where it is unethical to take an interest in photographs with sexual content, is where the subject has been exploited or abused. Epistemology (/ p s t m l d i / (); from Ancient Greek (epistm) 'knowledge', and -logy), or the theory of knowledge, is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge.Epistemology is considered a major subfield of philosophy, along with other major subfields such as ethics, logic, and metaphysics.. Epistemologists study the nature, origin, and . Browse thousands of Internal Assessment, Extended Essay, and TOK examples. Out of a vast welter of things that might be said on the score Are some things unknowable? First of all, technology is a creature of science because it is Nonetheless, although business and technology are not coterminous they have become symbiotic functionally. The TOK guide provides the learning partners with a choice of 35 prompts about knowledge. The human side or the nonhuman side? JOIN FOR FREE. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? There are 8 Areas of Knowledge, these are: Mathematics, the Natural Sciences, History, The Arts, Ethics, Religious Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge. It will help you understand how to approach each of the titles (i.e. As a teenager, I had a laboratory at home complete with glassware and fume cupboard. Purchase NFT to reveal image. how to apply SPCM to a process, continue the flow chart from Week 1 and identify variances within a process. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? For a very simple and sufficient reason. Can you do better? Picking a Prompt Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge. I assume that few would challenge research into physical characteristics of different races, so why is intelligence, or more precisely, the ranges of intelligence logical, visual, musical, emotional etc. down, nor were many others in the humanities present there thatnight. The first was that there must be a clear danger, and the second was that the danger must be present, not a merely speculative forecast of the sort used in slippery slope objections to innovative newknowledge. Yes, I said, it was true. Has anyone done the same and received a decent grade? They refused to act first and think later. In point of fact, I do not universalize human well-being, I do not claim it for everybody all of the time, and this is for the simple reason that to do so would land me in many impossible multilemmas, since human interests often cut across eachothers. Hopefully, once Covid-19 regulations have eased, more visitors from the school community will be able to join the final TOK Exhibition in June 2021. Wie sind Sie auf die IS Ruhr aufmerksam geworden?Familie, Freunde, BekannteWebsiteSocial MediaAnzeigeBroschreSonstiges, Villa Koppers I am myself by training geared to philosophy, especially moral philosophy or ethics. There is, however, one supereminent question, an ethical question that goes deeper than ordinary inquiries about this or that particular break-through of scientific research or the technological use to be based on it. They are not self-authenticated; they are not their own judges and juries nor is the knowledge they want or discover or build upon exempt from critical ethical examination. At one time most inhabitants of the pure science community would have doubted this. Those of us in the humanities sector too often find that individual scientists seem to speak and deport themselves in a very priestly style, a sort of New Priesthood, as when Lewis Thomas or Russell Brain say it is wrong to subject knowledge to any moral restraints. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds In some instances, the scale of these activities aimed at bettering the lives of surrounding communities, and society at large, are comparable to those undertaken by well-resourced, profit-making, commercial organisations. GOVERNMENT NOTICE! I recalled that he had also declared that we ought never to say there are things which human beings can get along happily without knowing. What examples could one find in the domain of what you term the arts? It follows from this that scientists cannot say, as many of them seem inclined to say, that the debits or disasters of technology are no concern of theirs. It is not unethical to take an interest in things that some, or perhaps most human beings find disgusting. I know how to make nitroglycerine, having once studied Chemistry. It's so confusing because there aren't resources from past IB students to look up to, and the rubric/instructions are so vague :( and none of my school's TOK teachers know how to work this new curriculum either. When Dr. Thomas spoke of the atom bomb he meant to suggest, I think, that nuclear power may well prove to be a blessing in the energy shortage now confronting our technological society, but beyond that he was presumably also implying either that the balance of terror in the possession of thermonuclear weaponry by rival superpowers will remain in status quo, or that in any case if first and second strike attacks were unleashed the human and material destruction would stop satisfactorily short of being catastrophic. Knowledge is a seamless robe, a single tapestry. Remember that all three (images of) objects should relate to the same prompt. As it turned out at OTA, ethical considerations arose almost constantly in trade-offs between values as one alternative was weighed against another; our reports were consciously shaped to guide Congress as it passed regulatory legislation in the publicinterest. But if some people have no right to know some kinds of knowledge, might it not also be that nobody ought to have some kinds of knowledge? Scientists and science-oriented people should back off and take a hard look at the notiona fairly commonly held one that there is no such thing as forbidden knowledge or, in another kind of rhetoric, that knowledge is subject to no limiting principles (except, of course, that it be correct). What about editorial cartoons? Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? Some aspects will link to just one prompt and some may have a closer link to several of the 35 IA prompts. May we say that we ought to know anything we can learn? Select the two items that apply to a contingency approach to management. Before I go any further, then, I should plainly state the premise from which I approach questions of the public interest or, in a less politically flavored phrase, the social good. (He has also done wonderful photographs of flowers.) Ethics as a discipline deals fundamentally with two problems. Rationally we can at most only seek to optimize human well-being as the good. share, ethical responsibility still exists - just in an other way as the notion of what our ethical responsibility actually is would change. This is why mathematics or measurement is so important in distributive justice and so essential to just legislation. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? He asked me if it was true, as he had read in one of my books, that I knew practically nothing about technology or the mathematics of probabilities? and finite are demonic, to use a classical word for it. How can I say it so positively? For this exhibition, the TOK prompt I chose was "Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge., Primary School Primary Years (Klasse 1 5), Secondary School Secondary Years (Klasse 6 12). agreed on, allowed. This form of art can be sometimes considered to be extremely offensive to some people, for example because of cultural sensitivity Should boundaries be set for the publishing of political cartoons to avoid unnecessary harm? My Parthian shot, therefore, is that to assert that knowledge is always good is immoral as well as unscientific. There are many scientists who still contend that facts and values are not only of different orders but poles apart; that what ought to be has no acceptable place in the business of learning what is. The TOK exhibition requires students to write not more than 950 words on the three TOK exhibition objects chosen. Ethics. Here, then, is confrontation; the scientific ethos versus the humanistic ethos. However, my school's TOK teachers are really not the best and I'm worried the grades they give me are wholly not reflective of IB standards. SonstigesEarly YearsPrimary YearsSecondary YearsAufnahmeFrderverein This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. Perhaps my imagination is just not good enough to come up with an example where it would be ethically wrong, in principle, to enquire, to seek out, to view some work of art by virtue of its content, leaving aside the cases I have discussed. So the lineruns. However, one could imagine much worse. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. A part of the absolutists case for knowledge is that to question it is, after all, merely academic since we cannot suppress or reject knowledge anyway, even if we wanted to. When science turns religious, it turnssour. Answer (1 of 11): Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? (We will have to allow, of course, for knowledge that comes by chanceserendipity when it is welcome and bad when it isnot). To create the exhibition you should follow three steps: 1) Choose the IA prompt and (images of) objects, 2) Prepare the documents for moderation 3) Showcase the exhibition. There is, however, another symbiosis here. Watching these played out in fantasy from our living room couches, we seem to be protected against such horrors. They are worth something only because they are worth something to somebody, some sentientbeing. If you are on the humanistic side you have to ask of all proposed inquiries, investigations, and research, How will it help people, or at least not hurtthem?. For my TOK Exhibit, I chose prompt 16: should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? 16. The DNA moratorium and controversy was a dramatic 1 a) Choose the IA prompts from the list of prescribed IA prompts (see below). I have coined the term ethimetrics for the task of consequential reasoning combined with measured values, as the way to approach problems of justice and relativity in our modern rapid transport, mass society of science andtechnology. 1. I have of course constantly insisted that there is no human act which is always wrong or without the possibility of being justified in conceivable circumstances, however rarely or atypically this might be the case. Even with careful peer review could such biological research be carried out safely, without endangering the public interest? One might argue that some knowledge should not be sought because it could do more harm than good to society. It might be objected, perhaps, that I have committed myself to a fatal contradiction. if u want u can share ur commentaries with me and i can give u feedback even i got an 8/10 tho:), Can you please what objects do you chose? Let me answer this complaint. How can a researcher avoid noticing differences even if he/she refrains on ethical grounds from putting biro to paper? DE- 45138 Essen Thoughtful people could easily enough make the listlonger. The learning partners set up their stations in museum-like fashion in the Learn Atelier of the SY Building and each displayed three objects that they carefully selected. Before 1903, Russell devoted some of the energy that he could spare from German Social Democracy, the foundations of mathematics and the philosophy of Leibniz to working out a meta-ethic of his own. In the above example, an argument is expected from the student to convey both pros and cons of 'Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds?'. Your email address will not be published. If a 15 year old girl wants to marry a person whom she loves, shouldn't she be allowed that choice? My exhibition focused mostly on three ethical schools of thought - utilitarianism, deontological ethics and hedonism. Each Area of Knowledge is a system. But what about the methods of real life torture? Let me not be like the ships captain who cried to Lord Nelson at the battle of Trafalgar, My lord, I have no prejudices, but God knows I hate aFrenchman.. Whenever I read news stories about activists who demonstrate against nuclear weapons or nuclear power installations, or express outrage about toxic waste hazards, or allege the dangers to society and human life of research and development on frontiers such as biotechnology or ABC warfare (atomic, bacterial, and chemical), I cannot just dismiss it all as emotional imbalance. Once moral responsibility ceases to be a simplistic adherence to prefabricated rules based on the notion of intrinsic right and wrong, turning instead to consequences, the ethical problem becomes one of measurementof having to quantify qualities, so to speak, in order to weigh them against each other. If we conclude that there is some knowledge we should not pursue on ethical grounds, how can we determine the boundaries of acceptable investigation within an area of knowledge? I suspect it is an assumption born out of the familiar mechanism we call wish-thinking. ahahha thank you !! I'm quite concerned that this exhibition will end up bringing my TOK grade down if I submit it to IB just because I failed to represent ethics correctly, but I also really don't want to spare the effort of having to write 3 new commentaries on another prompt (added to the workload of all my other subjects).

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should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds