when was the cepher bible writtenclassification of risks is based on

The word, paidagogos, is built like this: the Greek word for child is pais p-a-i-s. And the genitive of it is paidos. You may as well not have an agreement if thats the case. Scripture Comparison Chart. 635 Likes. Scriptures show us fruits and actions are important. The point is the perceived brazen intentional hubris of the editors and writers and translators of the Cepher Bible to translate Philippians 2:11 and then record and print it in the Bible they claim to be accurate and I would think, unbiasedwith the expressed intent to support and further their doctrine of the divinity of Yshua Messiah. There are just as many mistakes in King James translation that need to be recognized. And I think that we as discerning and studious, conscientious Christians should be questioning certain things and delving further into them. But like one individual I recently came across on a YouTube recording said of the Cepher, if the developers and translators working on the Cepher are willing to alter the Philippians passage to say what they want it to say in order that it match their personal religious beliefs or doctrines, what other passages in the Holy Writ have they taken liberty with? He has succeeded! and over all my growing up years always got the same answers. Is it scriptural to love God and test him at the same time? Hence, the Cepher is a numbered writing from the first to the last, from the beginning to the end. It was therefore introduced into the English language for the very first time in the 18th century when Sheridan used it in his play The Rivals, Chapter 2, pg.1. The Eth Cepher is the real deal people dont be led astray by awareness lacking individuals in the comment thread! The Holy Spirit makes us one with the Father and the Son that we may be complete in Him. I dont think Im biased. And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandment of the LORD thy God, which he commanded thee, Daniel 9 ; 10.. Another point of concern is that neither Dr. Pidgeon nor Seekins, have a statement of faith Concerning Acts Chapter 29,taken from the Sonnini manuscript this theory has been debunked by noted Biblical scholars. Although some might view such an endeavor as noble and admirable, to Father, asceticism and other man-made religious demands that the establishment loves to place upon the people is not what He has ever instructed us to do. We were beginning to reach an international market! Its one thing to extol Gods grace, recognizing that He loves on our good days and our bad days and that our relationship with Jesus is not measured by our latest spiritual accomplishment. We all fade like a leak, and ouriniquities, like the wind, take us away. (Isa. Do we just say God knows our heart and not get up and push through the throng? I mentioned this in my entry of June 10th.He has a limited working proficiency in Hebrew You mentioned Dr. Frank Seekins.He does not have an earned Doctorate at all. God never promised to preserve His Scripture through the Masoretic Text alone. Hypocrite! As such, the Cepher 2nd Edition: But to label all people and all Messianic churches as such is wrong. It is all in a name. Other than they were in Canaan? Hes no different, fleecing the unread, unscriptural and those that want to be Jewish.because they think they some how become closer to God or Jesus. Includes all of the 74 previously canonized books, plus another 13 books considered to be inspired and/or historically significant such as Chanok (Enoch) & Yovheliym (Jubilees) from the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Yashar (Jasher), 2-4 Ezra (Esdras), 1-2 Baruk, and 1-4 Makkabiym (Maccabees) all published in the chronological order of their writing. Read Philippians 3:5-6, Acts 23:5, Acts 18:18(Nazirite vow Numbers 6:2), Acts 2123-:24 and so many other verses that testify that Paul did not teach people to break Gods laws written in the old testament. Un-contradicted Love is what we must have, and not just from our words. We are in the last days. And hey if theyre teaching wrong.dont bother with them. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia defines Jew as the same word of Strongs #2453 in the following words: Jew denotes originally an inhabitant of Judah, (2Kings 16:1 applies to the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom) but later the meaning was extended to embrace all descendants of Abraham. "The KJV Old . The Law was to point to Christ (Gal 3:24-25). And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his name Yahusha: for he shall save his people from their sins. (Jer 10:3) For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. These books that I have read so far do indeed answer a lot of the mysteries found in Genesis. Links to our Weekly Torah Portion, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon's blog, articles and other free downloads available our website. And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Ruach upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. All of you sheep being led by your disobedient church leaders will regret not having studied the Scriptures for your selves. John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. WND has long been setting its sail to the unsteady winds of the Hebrew Roots Movement, including WND owner Joseph Farah publicly stating that the now jailed Jim Staley is his pastor.. Cepher Scriptures Millennium Edition 2022 NEW! To Donate. Apart from its awkwardness as a usable bookthat is its size and complexityI initially had just two areas of criticism: (1) I would have appreciated having embedded throughout the text, notations that would explain the hows and whys and wherefores of their translation of the manuscripts they used for the Cepher textjust something I would have appreciated to help me understand why they rendered the text the way they rendered itthats all. Some refer to this issue as Asceticism which is the adoption of man-made practices and protocols as a means of achieving some greater spiritual power or advantage or some greater degree of revelatory understanding apart and above others. This term is most widely known from its single use in the Greek New Testament (Galatians 2:14)[1] where Paul publicly challenges Peter for compelling gentile converts to Early Christianity to judaize,[2] also known as the Incident at Antioch. And in Ethiopia? Read in the Old Testament about the Festivals like Passover etc. they havent been tampered with. Manny1962 SHOW ME IN THE SCRIPTURES we are NOT to OBEY His LAWS AND COMMANDS. Unicorns are actually one horned rhinoceros but thats something an uneducated person wouldnt know and they may be compelled to say well Im throwing out this bible because God is not real because the bible talks about unicorns which are pure fiction. And if you ever read a message board of forum hosted by Hebrew Roots people, youre NOT seeing all of the messages because Ive witnessed well presented arguments against their doctrine get deleted and the authors get called sinners, trolls and then get banned. And if the apostles and disciples were rejected Christ said leave them and shake the dust of their ground off your feet. It does not belong to anyone. Should have put Ivriyt in place of Paleo. There is no cult following the scriptures just as you say and the history period! The renewed moon was sighted over the land of Israel this past Tuesday evening, signaling the start of the 12th month, also known as the month of Adar. The teachings of the Hebrew Roots Movement are virtually identical to those of the Judaizers whom Paul rebuked in Galatians. Tauri: Very well and eloquently said. Wish I could remember where I saw it. 2022 by Berean Research. We look forward to growing with you as we explore the depths of the scriptures in our online courses. (Luke 16:31) And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. I am not sure what you mean though by embellishments ? Romans 2; 23 It just wouldnt work well. are nothing but paganism. If you read the Geneva Bible, you will not find the word Jew in their N.T. You know. Welcome to the official site of Cepher Academy, a sister company of the Cepher Publishing Group which distributes the Cepher at cepher.net. They have spent uncounted sums of money to manufacture the fiction that the Judeans in the time of Messiah,were Jews rather than Judeans and that Messiah was a Jew. The Eth Cepher is one of the most accurate holy books to date! For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in Gods sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. .If its a B: it has one meaning and if its a B that is pronounced like a V it has a different meaning. The word (eth) is comprised of the lettersalephandtav; the first and the last letters of the Hebrewaleph-beyt. These are the feasts of Yahuah, even holy assemblies, which ye shall proclaim in their appointed times. Now back to the Cepher. To add anything to the work that Christ did for salvation is to negate Gods grace. All Rights Reserved. Did you know that the book of Enoch was/is quoted about 400 times in KJV? Upon seeing this for myself, I gave praise for this bible thinking to myself, well its about time. We are to walk like Jesus walked in life. I love knowing the names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and am so thankful for this Bible bc it has the missing books of Jubilee, Jasher, Enoch with extensive commentary on , the Fallen Angels, and Daniels prophecy. But many Christians do not embrace true love and confuse obedience [love in deed] for legalism when, the word legalism does not occur in the Bible. The Hebrew word for anointing is Mashiach, from which Messiah is transliterated. As a Faith community, we already have enough credibility problems with the rest of the world. This word Jew was chosen very carefully and for them was brilliant. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD. If you have any doubts about Johnathan Cahn you REALLY need to watch the DVD Harbinger Man It is a biography of Cahn and includes many of his sermons given to Congress and at the DC prayer breakfasts. Now dont misunderstand me fellow saints: I am not here today to debate the divinity of Yshua Messiah. Although many neighbors suffered great losses, bya miraculous hand, the winds turned north and spared our facility. Sets forth a translation, rather than a substitution, of the Sacred Names of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Brief research would indicate that Eth Cepher is a translation of the Bible including other writings that have been rejected for inclusion in the canon of Scripture. The original Catholic canon replaced Yahshua with Iesus: Zoos, the Greek God of lightening, in 400 A.D., then the Vatican, in 1612, embellished the slander and libel by changing Iesus to Ge-Zoos, (Jesus) which is Earth, or Dirt-Zeus, taking Yahushua in vain. (2Jn 1:5) And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. Even Peter testifies of these pastors in his gospel. Its the sign for our acknowledgement of Him as the Creator and the only true God. (And yes they arent all correct) But some are.. : No where does it say in the KJV that the day of worship was changed to the first day of the week. There is a man named Dr. Frank Seekins who has spent over 30 years studying researching and teaching Hebrew and Hebrew word pictures. So, I enjoy it as an extra reference and usually rely on my good old KJV. We do not sit and blindly follow someone who cannot prove what they say using scripture. What I mean by this Ill discuss momentarily. I have only had exposure to one such person in this movement. (Mat 11:30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. They came in and possessed it, but they did not obey Your voice or walk in Your law. I pray everyone that reads this article takes the time to read your comment. If you really care about your patrons and you want to come clean and explain yourself, I would certainly entertain a response from any representative you select from your organization. 3. In John 17:19-24 Jesus points out that circumcision a sign of the Covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Sabbath was the sign of the Covenant with Mosesthe Law and the Pharisees would violate the Law to circumcise if the 8th day was a Sabbath. That is not in the KJV. Corrects many notorious errors found in virtually all previous English translations, such as Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 14, Zakaryahu (Zechariah) 5, and Mattithyahu (Matthew) 23. I just cant endorse it and I would not recommend my readers and listeners to purchase it unless they feel so led. Reading the statement above from those that actually wrote the uninspired abomination, claiming personal revelation and inspiration shows the heresy, the deceit and arrogance of the authors. As for the Hebrew Roots movement, there are a number of people that have gone down a path of heresy, but not as much as the theology of Christianity that teaches lawlessness and iniquity. He has other unbiblical teachings in this article as well. Remember what Jesus Christ said that ye cannot bear fruit without Jesus Christ ? G-d says these days shall be holy days for ALL generations. . Christ was not born on Dec. 25th. The day that pagan sun worhipers observed? I pray for G-d to lead me to what and where and HE answers me. Ive heard what he says and seen his DVD;s and read his books. We can not pray blessings over a bowl of rat poison and then (cast ourselves down) spoon it into our mouth. Dominionism (NAR) How anyone can say with a straight face these judaizers are nothing but! While I havent yet had time to read the whole book of EnochI have read part of it and have listened to several sermons on that book. Lets begin with the passage that has drawn the ire of those who deny MASHIACH, who deny the divinity of YAHUSHA, and who otherwise have converted to Judaism What follows is the editors attempt to support their alteration to this verse by the use of various reference or support verses to include I Corinthians 12:1-3 where the term Lord (small letters) or kurios is translated into Yahuah; John 14:9 whereby our Master said that those that have seen Him have seen the Father; and John 17:14-22 whereby our Master attested to us that He was one with the Father. 30 Comments. I thought your answer above was wonderful. CEPHER BIBLE PDF. Yes, the liberty of free will, to carry the light yolk of Jesus. is a mix of inspired and non-inspired material. Id like to hear more of your thoughts, but I dont see a way to contact you directly. And these sites usually had a few people who were Catholic or..whatever. The only answer that comes readily to my mind is that the developers and writers and translators of the Cepher intentionally took liberties with their translation of this passageand God only knows what other passagesfor purposes of influencing their readers and advancing their own agenda and doctrinal stance. Does our pride hinder us from the truth and embracing love defined in the scripture? People go and seat and listen to pastors who are spreading lies and twisting the truth of Gods word in order to establish their own version of truth. When all mankind who are on the earth shall die, he shall be safe. Should a Christian celebrate Hanukkah (Christmaskah)? Yes it upsets me that there are churches that dont teach salvation through Christ. And narrow minded. I too see arrogance within the HRM. Cahn does NOT deny Christ, and he prays Jesus Name. Do you realize that when Christ healed the blind man on the Sabbath that he was telling the rabbis and Pharisees that those laws were wrong? There are several fake Messianic churches just as there are false Protestant churches.leading to the slippery slope of not realizing or catching some of the twisted interpretations. Unbelievable! This collection may be purchased with or without the Cepher. These 10-books over time were purged out of the Protestant Bible by scholars who really gave no true reason as to why they purged them out of the established canon, apart from these apocryphal and deuteronomical books were not inspired by God. Paul himself testifies that he is pure regarding keeping the law. Introducing the New Millennium Edition 2022 The Cepher is a comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture that . Gods perfect love has dissolved lines between Jew and Greek when residing in his House. Hebrew is picture language. Did you know the book of Enoch is quoted about three or four hundred tines in KJV? Abraham did not follow a Law that was not given him. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. For 2,000 years people have believed that those residing in Israel today are the chosen people of The Most High, but they are not. Why over 100 versions of the Bible? In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, refers to one name.. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohiym, and Elohiym was the Word. No, but Ive read a lot of it and portions of most of the books. Check out these articles: One highlight to note: The Cepher is including the Book of Jasher, which many Christians have never heard of. 28 And the king and his subjects loved Riqayon for his wisdom, and they consulted with all the inhabitants of Egypt to make him prefect under the king. Very disappointing critique of the Cepher, which I doubt the article writer actually read with any neutrality. What really matters is the message contained in the Holy Written Scriptures. Thoughts on the Cepher BibleA Violation of Torah? Its not called a Bible because Bible is not the proper term for the Holy Book inspired by Elohim. So these folks such as the one who wrote this crap wants to keep YAHUAHS people blind, but no one nor book can do that because YAHUAH opened my eyes with the KJV. 4:2, ESV) Beyond our following the commandmentsobserving and obeying Torahand our Masters instructions, every other man-made concoction and prescription for life that he has with great hubris decided to incorporate into the One True Faith is nothing but a vain attempt to earn ones salvation and relationship with the Creator of the Universe. If he truly taught people to break Gods commands then he would be a hypocrite for practising the same things he tells people not to do. This is the same claim stated by Rome! RestoresChapters 151-155of Tehilliym (Psalms). God may know our hearts but we must show the works and pick up the five smooth stones (1Sa 17:37-40), push through the throng (Luk 8:45-47), and throw off our beggars coat (Mar 10:50) as the scriptures state, to show God our faith is proven in deed out of love. He only has a limited working proficiency in Hebrew Bible scholar, Hardly Dr. Pidgeon denies the Trinity. Are you suggesting that the Son was undeserving of the Fathers blessing? Yahuah bless you, and guard you: Yahuah make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: Yahuah lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. I agree and I dont consider myself to be part of any movement. As I recall the article of Wake Up, you so called Christians.I may be wrong but it was telling Christians they need to wake up and look at what is happening in our country as a result of current politics. Hope this hits home with some of you. Even the Pharisees werent as prideful! Why does the Cepher have more than 66 books? Where did you find the Aleph Tavs in the New Testament? But in defense of Hebrew Roots movements the premise is good and many such Hebrew Roots and Torah Followers do believe and teach Jesus Christ, Salvation, and the Holy Spirit. What did Jesus do? The Apocrapha was written during the 400 Silent Years when God shut up the heavens as brass, meaning He gave no new revelation(s) to His chosen people, the Jews. 1 Corinthians 2:1,2 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 . You explained Pauls words so wonderfully. When I asked Him if I were taking His name in vain, just to say it, He told me that was FALSE HUMILITY. Its a given. Paul himself and wish I could remember where I recently read it.said THIS IS IT! I pray you reconsider your opinion of him. I still need to finish listening to his concern about the Cephers treatment of the lineage of our Master before I say anything further on it. I agree with you. Jesus personally rebuked the Pharisees only outside of the seat of Moses mandating many complicated legalisms of men added as if it was scripture. However, when we look at how all the remaining books of the Bible point back to Torah, we can not take for granted the care that must be taken when transmitting the whole of the Bible. Jesus said, in (Mark 7:8) For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do. Sometimes you never know when you write replies to articles and to others who comment just how the light of your words can enlighten the reader. $95.00 $90.95 Order yours today! I believe it still has great value. Should Abraham have stayed seated when God commanded him to sacrifice his son and say yes, God Ill do it later? Many Christians use those lines without putting thought into realizing what Jesus actually did do. The other translations that I consulted in my BibleWorks software package, with the exception of the Complete Jewish Bible, all refer to Jesus Christ as Lord or Master. Yes! 41 Comments. Pidgeon has a Ph.D. and has written much. I was awestruck by the size of this thing. They also owned the printing presses, so when the U.S. was morphing into the U.S., they, the so called Jews,decided they needed more King James Versions of the Bible. The fact that no one could cross this chasm indicates that, after death, ones fate is sealed for judgment. Why it is that people may have so much pride (Pro_29:23) they can not see the love or understand what love actually means. . How about the one of picking up dirt in your hands and spitting in it to make mudwhich was forbidden on the Sabbath. "Hebrew Lexicon entry for . America is cursed and the only solution is in 2nd Chronicles 7:14; It reads, If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their WICKED ways, (The root word of wicked is, Wicca, or twisted, which means the occult exclusively.) And a really good Messianc church I attended for a while was really good until they switched Bibles to one that eliminated the male and female. There have also been sermons on how to detect false doctrines. We all grow spiritually. I thank you for that, and for the old testament prayer you gave at the end of your audio message. The Ethiopian canon is close to the Cepher too. Getting back to Pidgeon. I will concede that this commandment pertained primarily to the Torah. I cannot say scripture backs up scripture 100% of the time without twisting the truth. When we consider the unbridled infighting between our various factions and with one another; when we consider our absolute focus on the Torahalmost to the point of Torah worship; and when we consider our rejection of Spirit Living; when we consider the epidemic of Biblical illiteracy that plagues our community; when we consider our stand-offishness; our pompous attitude that we know it all and those Christian folk are just stupid, misguided individuals; when we dont seek to do our part in the great commission but remain holed up in our homes on the Sabbath and during the Feast Days, theres no wonder the rest of the world looks down upon us and sees us as the wayward ones. So soon after receiving the bibles, I spent a great deal of time affixing book tabs to both bibles. But now is the time for us to start preparing for the Spring Feasts of Yahovah and not wait till the last minute. What is the basis for the calendar used in the Yom Qodesh? Our newest venture is the launch of Cepher Radio where you can listen live to our teachings. No but they give insight into history that has been lost of kept from us. Im referring to the newer translations that are steering people into the one world church. Give us this day our daily bread. Purpose Driven And comparing Hebrew Roots to Catholicismthat is a real gem! Join. No where does he want to be referred to as a prophet. This post is also available in: As part of this process, we publish a book called the Cepher, which you see on our home page. So glad to find Believers who study the Word for themselves. I believe that means there will be a joining of all who are Christ believers and followers of both the OT teachings and NT teachings. If a Disciple of the history of what has been considered Bible from 1450 BCE through the Common Era of the First Century were to compile a collection of what they would call Bible, it would include the Cepher. We have no time for such liberal and backstabbing behavior as I believe is being perpetrated through the production of the Cepher Bible. Defined in the New Testament hit the proverbial nail on the internet his recommendation endorsement. Online Jewish sites that are wrong beginning Elohiym created the name of Gods My response to your Son shall survive on the last minute well in reading my Bible im taught to Will, to compare the wind, take us away whys and living! Proven scientifically Transliterates the names of the Bible really teaches Dragon, speaking. Accurately translated correct book he had seen or read etc., etc dont, or even numbered! 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when was the cepher bible written