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Much the way inventions are often adaptations of previously patented objects, most authors borrow ideas and techniques form pre-existing media. Kristine Linde, an old friend of Nora, arrives at their home. Feel free to get in touch with us via email to: Summarystory.com provides students with professional writing and editing assistance. The line between what is real or not real is often misconceived, especially in a society such as the one in A Dolls House. The only reason she is loving her husband is because that is what she thinks she is supposed to do. In the play A Doll's House, Henrik Ibsen examines the roles of a woman during the nineteenth century in a male dominated Victorian society. ago. ( Oxford Revision 2008) The Doll in A Doll House is a metaphor. Complement professor allen about the text. In a male dominant society, Men were expected to be educated and have a job. His wife is cheerful, carefree and frivolous. She is like a doll to him, something that he can control and shape into what he wants. Nora then goes to Krogstad and offers to repay the loan fully. Male and Female Space, Onstage and Off, in Ibsen's A Doll's House, A Study of the Significance of Mrs. Linde and Krogstad's Confrontation in Act III to the Plot Development and Thematic Ideas of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, Ibsen versus Society: Three Breakthrough Dramas, Social Criticism in A Doll's House and Look Back in Anger. It seems that just surviving and sleeping with a full stomach are not the main problems of developed civilizations since the first formations of societies. The Hollowness of Conventional 19th Century Christian Morality in Henrik Ibsen's A Dolls House and Emile Zola's Therese Raquin. Towards the end of the play, Nora realizes that being a doll is not her reality. Nora promises to talk to Torvald and then exhibits a first-rate secret to Mrs. Lindewith out Torvalds knowledge, Nora illegally borrowed money for the journey that she and Torvald took to Italy; she informed Torvald that the cash had come from her father. How to make the most out of your first year of university. However, Krogstad wants a promotion, to leave alone the money. When Mrs. Linden arrives Nora sheds light to a secret that can as Nora says to Mrs. Linden would just ruin our relation (Torvald). Despite what her husband and society thinks, it is Nora who provides the financial means for the trip, through working and obtaining a loan behind her husbands back. She then tries to convince Torvald not to do it. in preference to feeling comfort, Mrs. Linde says she feels empty because she has no profession; she hopes that Torvald can be able to help her attain employment. This leaves his wife excited about solving their financial problems. The play is important for its critical perspectives toward nineteenth century marriage norms. Immediately, Linde leaves the house, Krogstad, who landed Nora money coincidentally arrives. Henrik Ibsen describes the story of a married woman who considered her life to be quite satisfied with her husband in their "doll house" of which she is the doll. 6,671. A Doll House was written during the movement of Naturalism, which commonly reflected society A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen Essay about gender and power. Through the transformation of Nora and the symbolism of the doll house, Henrik Ibsen reveals that being sheltered can make one fragile while recognizing and facing reality can make one strong., In these two texts A Lesson Before Dying and A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen, the story was based on making the right move which Grant and Jefferson found out the right thing and did it the novel A Lesson Before Dying and Nora did the right thing by leaving her husband Torvald in the play A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen. Taken from her The Doves' Nest and Other Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Mansfield may be exploring the theme of . A Doll's House starts with Mrs. Nora Helmer who decides that her family should have an evening at home to celebrate Torvald's birthday even though there are various outside activities planned earlier on that day. More books than SparkNotes. She never told him of this loan and has been secretly paying it back in small installments by saving from her household allowance. He is [] Therefore, you need to consider how Nora and Krogstad feel about social rules and why they were so desperate. Her dependency on him is extremely important to him because that is what he feels is right for a wife to do. He wishes respectability and has modified the phrases of the blackmail: he now insists to Nora that no longer most effective that he be rehired at the bank however that he be rehired in a higher position. Surviving in a Loureen, the protagonist of Lynn Nottages play, POOF!, and Nora, the main character of Henrik Ibsens A Doll House, are both abused by their husbands. When the matter is solved, her . Just by donating your resources to our library! The line, Weve been married for eight years. When the fantasy world people create in order to cope with the absurdity of life is brought too far into reality, it becomes hard to distinguish between authenticity and fiction. He asks Nora to apply her have an effect on to make sure that his role remains comfy. In her agitated emotional kingdom, she dances wildly and violently, displeasing Torvald. Summary Read our full plot summary and analysis of A Doll's House, chapter-by-chapter breakdowns, and more. They are obsessed with material possession. He proclaims Krogstad an immoral guy and states that he feels physically sick within the presence of such people. In the first act, the husband appears before us as a strong, loving, caring husband and father of the family. guide PDFs and quizzes, 10930 literature essays, The reality of her trials with her marriage wake her up from her imagination to the pitiful state of her marriage. Quickly after Krogstads departure, Nora and Torvald enter, lower back from the dress ball. Women are constantly treated as a lower class among men. Torvald calls her his "pet" and his "property," and implies that she is not smart or . A reoccurring idea within A Doll's House is Nora Helmer's lack of identity and independence, due to . Analysis of Ibsen's A Doll's House: Feminist or Humanist? Learn from the best! Upon reading the letter, he confronts his wife and insults her. Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House In the following essay I will discussing whether or not I believe that Mrs. Linde is right on calling Nora "childish" in the first act of "A Dolls House." "A Dolls House" was written by Henrik Ibsen in 1879 is based upon the day to day human struggle against the degrading constraints of social conformity. 122 writers online A Critical Analysis of A Doll's House In the late 1800's rigid gender roles set the character of both men and women. The rich and strong exploit the poor and the weak. The main characters are Nora and her husband Torvald. As a dramatic play, A Doll's House inspects the relationship between Torvald, her husband, and Nora,. This material is available only on Freebooksummary. Nora Helmer enters her nicely-supplied dwelling roomthe setting of the entire playwearing several packages. The play focuses on the seemingly happy Helmers, Nora and Torvald, who appear to have an ideal life. Issacharoff argues that dramatic tension is often contingent on the antinomy between visible space represented As one of the leaders of the realist movement in drama, Henrik Ibsen earned his reputation for creating plays that accurately depict the details of ordinary peoples' lives. She begins to reassure to Torvald that she, should not think of going against (his) wishes,(Ibsen,1.4) and is dishonest once again when telling him Chritine Linde and Dr. Rank brought her the desserts. Torvald is devastated but still has some hope that she will come back. "A Doll's House" is not simply a manifest of feminism. A Doll's House is a three-act play written by Henrik Ibsen and directed by Kelly Roush. The controversial social themes in this work embodied the struggle of women to conform to humiliating societal expectations. The whole play based on the beginning of feminism in 19th centuries. Her demeaning nicknames, skylark and little song bird truly are a metaphor for her mental and physical imprisonment to the societal roles of being a mother and wife. Gender. The audience becomes aware of this while Nora is secretly talking to her old friend Mrs. Linde. The 19th century continued the process of the demystification that began with the Enlightenment. This play is a highly artistic criticism of bourgeois society based on . Topics: Act, Drama, Marriage, Play. Nora Helmer enters her nicely-supplied dwelling roomthe setting of the entire playwearing several packages. Drawing on frankfurt school and working conditions e. G. Standard deviation. Pages: 1 Words: 363 Views: 691. Posted April 18, 2017. this premium content, Members Only section of the site! When Torvald becomes very ill, the pair travels to Italy to ensure his recovery. In Act III Nora tells her husband that he and her father have treated her like a doll-child. Torvalds Helmer is the father and a lawyer. Nora argues to Mr. Krogstad a daughter hasnt right to protect her dying father a wife hasnt a rite to save her husband's life? The correct buying clothes essay expensive worth version of the truth of such dispersal, after eager. In short, A Doll's House is about Nora Helmer who decides to borrow a big sum of money in secret to help her sick husband. Our beautiful, happy home (1254, Ibsen). POINTS OF INTERPRETATION Nora has an unwavering trust in her husband Helmer. A Doll's House is a three-act play written by Henrik Ibsen that was first published in 1879. He likes perfection. The border between illusion and reality gets terribly blurred for Nora in Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, where her connection with Torvald is totally based on deception. Gender and Theatricality in A Doll's House Anonymous A Doll's House A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen is perhaps one of the most hotly debated plays to come out of the 19th century. It revolves around the Helmer family. The gender difference approach analyzes how society treats men and women differently. When he fails to do this, she accepts the fact that their marriage has been an illusion. Torvald arrives, and Nora again begs him to maintain Krogstad hired on the bank, however again Torvald refuses. In Ibsen's A Doll's House, the path to self-realization and transformation is depicted by the main character, Nora Helmer. In The Seducer's Diary, Kierkegaard presents the character of Johannes as a typical. . Speech on George Orwell 1984 Human Experiences, 2020 Science Ext Exam Choice (Trial Paper). We will write a custom Essay on A Doll's House by Norway's Henrik Ibsen specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page. In act three, Linde finally meets Krogstad and tells him that she would like to rekindle their former romantic relationship. Her father and husband visualized this over power n her life. Annabelle is a 2014 American supernatural horror film directed by John R. Leonetti, written by Gary Dauberman and produced by Peter Safran and James Wan.It is a prequel to the 2013 film The Conjuring and the second installment in The Conjuring Universe franchise. A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen is an illustration about an issue of women's rights in Norway society during1878, during which women were expected to be undoubtedly obedient to their fathers, and husbands as well. Torvald never treated her as an equal. In A Dolls House the play by Henrik Ibsen, justice manifests through economic and social conditions. Most characters in the play are in various ways affected by the acquisition or lack of money. Written by Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House is a play released during the Victorian era of the 19th century. While alone, Nora confesses a deep secret about forging her fathers signature to borrow a loan and move to Italy for her husbands treatment. Dr. Rank, who was additionally on the birthday party and has come to say goodnight, promptly interrupts Torvalds advances on Nora. All Rights Reserved. During this time period, the Victorian . It also shows how uneducated in that matters of law she is; witch in return ads to the way she sees, As we see the untrusting environment and strain on their relationship grow wider and wider. Everywhere one looks, divorce is plaguing society, and it has become widely accepted throughout the world. A Doll's House exposes the restricted role of women during the time of its writing and the problems that arise from a drastic imbalance of power between men and women. I have my final tomorrow and the essay topic is basically how the use of possessive in the title A Doll House/A Doll's House in Henrik Ibsen's play sets up different expectations for the audience. However, with the development of the play, she is insulted by her husband for a forgery that she did for his sake, even after knowing the truth. A Doll's House Essay I can never really trust my eyes to tell me the unguarded truth if someone wishes for the truth to be concealed. coursework, case studies, PowerPoint presentations, reviews, etc. This leaves his wife excited about solving their financial problems. She feels like she is a prisoner Read More Next page 5. Mrs. Linde mentions to Nora, No, a wife cannot borrow without her husbands consent (Ibsen 12). Not affiliated with Harvard College. Nora, a character in A Doll's House, is selfless. tailored to your instructions. A Doll's House Feminism. Unlike most of the analysis found herewhich simply lists the unique individual story appreciationsthis in-depth study details the actual encoding for each structural item. Television is populated with images which are superficial and lack depth. 4 Pages 1624 Words. She decides to leave Torvald, asserting that she should make sense of [her]self and the whole thing around her. She walks out, slamming the door behind her. Easily become a resource hero by simply helping out HSC students. In A Doll's House, Ibsen paints a bleak picture of the sacrificial roles held by women of all classes in his society. It mainly focuses on the life of Nora, a housewife who feels frustrated by her position and status in society. Nora tells Mrs. Linde that Dr. Rank has a mortal illness that he inherited from his father. Well, not always. Nora shows that her motive for the deed was done out of love which insures that there is justice in forging the document. When Torvald came to a conclusion that Nora was lying Torvald decide to end the conversation with "Well, well, well of course I'm only joking"(Ibsen 145,act 1). The play is set during Christmas time and New Years because these are both times of rebirth or reawakening and similar metaphors to what Nora goes through during the play. Nora denies Mrs. Lindes charge but refuses to reveal the source of her misery. She had promised as well. r/EducationWriters 5 min. This quotation is a clear representation of the male authority over women in this patriarchal society. In mild of this revelation, Nora refuses to ask Dr. Rank for whatever. Torvalds Helmer is the father and a lawyer. She had existed for her husband and she had always expected that her husband would come to her aid when she was in trouble. Resource Description A Doll's House - Short Essays Report a problem Speech on George Orwell '1984' - Human Experiences How To Survive the HSC One Night the Moon - Analysis (Video) 2020 - Physics - PHS (Trial Paper) Business Studies Influences on HR (Quiz) Sci Ext - Portfolio Pack 2020 - Science Ext - Exam Choice (Trial Paper) Introductions. A Doll's House Plays Symbolism Topics: Contrary to her expectation, Torvald behaved like a hypocrite concerned more with societies idea of morality and a notion of social prestige, not with his wife's welfare and care. In the play, the dynamic character Nora, who is [] Ibsen Henrik Ibsen's well known play, A Doll's House, has long been considered a predominantly feminist work. In The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield we have the theme of class, prejudice, connection, hope, appearance and equality. When she takes out a loan to preserve Torvalds health. In this quotation it shows that the woman was wise to leave the place before the people started to accuse the man due to his skin colour. With every lie that Torvald got told, it took a peice of trust out of their relationship. Posted by dirtilyplug. Mr. Krogstad arrives at Noras home to tell Torvald about the loan. As a house wife, she is expected to obey and respect her husband, however she misbehaves during the first act, behaves desperately in the second, and abandons her husband for her own sake in the final act.. Knowing the right thing to do and doing the right thing are two very different things., Nora's epiphany occurs when the truth is finally revealed. Torvald and Nora argue until Torvald sends the maid to deliver Krogstads letter of dismissal. She shows her eagerness, you thought it fun to be in love with me, thats all (Ibsen 838).Her biggest discovery was to save her husbands life, but she disappointed when it became an unforgivable crime in the eyes of her husband and society. Krogstad leaves, and whilst Torvald returns, Nora tries to convince him now not to hearth Krogstad, but Torvald will hear nothing of it. Published: 25 September 2022. In A Doll's House by Ibsen, the author takes the preconditions and viewer expectations of the play format established by earlier writers and uses them to shock his audience rather than lull them into oblivion with simple entertainment. He also reveals his knowledge of Noras forgery. Torvald leaves. Noras youngsters go back with their nanny, Anne-Marie, and Nora plays with them till she notices Krogstads presence inside the room. Nora tells Mrs. Linde about her first yr of marriage to Torvald. Nora is his wife, and they have three young children under the care of a nanny. Its major subject is the awakening of a middle-class wife and mother. A Doll's House is an 1879 play by Norwegian writer Henrik Ibsen, which tells the story of a discontented wife and mother. Reward Use the key words to come up with. Mr. Krogstad explains the situation to Nora; whom does not comprehend the extent of her crime. Torvald became ill, she adds, and the couple needed to tour to Italy in order that Torvald could get better. In Space and Reference in Drama, Michael Issacharoff argues that diegetic space is offstage space and mimetic space is onstage space. A Doll's House Essay A Doll's House, by Henrik Ibsen, is of the best-known plays that displays modern and realistic prose drama. Indeed, both Ibsen and Osborne, in their respective plays A Dolls House and Look Back Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. When Noras husband discovers her conversation with the notorious Krogstad, he reprimands her. Citing illustrations from A Doll's House write an essay to validate this statement. In the play "Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen, humanism expresses the complex relationship of finding a personal sense of identity and living beyond societal standards regardless of gender; connecting to Ibsen's deeper commentary of Victorian-era societal roles used to create a "perfect life . The play is known as Ibsen's strong desire about human being. It concerns the lives of a group of middle class Norwegians in the 1870s, and deals with themes such as appearances, the power of money, and the place of women in a patriarchal society. A doll's house literary analysis essay prompt : r/EducationWriters. A Doll's House is a play about power, money, guilt, duty, and family relationships. Torvald, Nora asserts, has treated her like a doll to be performed with and well known. The original Urdu edition, 1859. Helene, the maid, broadcasts that the Helmers dear buddy Dr. Rank has come to go to. She explains that they were very negative and both had to paintings lengthy hours. This also means it has been incorporated into the Dramatica . Torvald asked a simple question "Hasn't she even nibbled a macaroon or two"(Ibsen 145,act 1). He greets her playfully and affectionately, however then chides her for spending so much cash on Christmas gifts. Research paper, Pages 2 (404 words) Views. While Noras abuse is primarily emotional and Loureens is physical, their abuse led them Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House follows Nora Helmers stifled life within the confines of societys patriarchal edifice and her own household. Torvald Helmer, Nora's husband, comes out of his study whilst he hears her arrive. The play develops through constant struggles Nora takes to keep in secret her actions. In the 1970s, Joseph Losey converted Ibsen's play into a movie, a different in details and some alterations, but the same in the core idea. A Doll's House by Norway's Henrik Ibsen It's ironic when Torvald says that he pretends Nora is in some kind of trouble, and he waits the time he can rescue her. She argue that, I believe that before all else, Im a human being, no less than you-or anyway, I ought to try to become one (Ibsen 840). Here, Ibsen clearly expresses the independent nature of women. The play is a well-played out journey of the main character, Nora, self-discovery and struggles against the oppression of her husband Torvald and the society he represents. He came out in his true colors. It also allows you to focus on the left margin. Nora inquires similarly approximately Mrs. Lindes life, and Mrs. Linde explains that for years she had to care for her sick mom and her more youthful brothers. The first two acts of A Doll's House are safe territory, following the Henrik Ibsen was born in 1828 to a merchant family in the small Norwegian town of Skien. Get a verified expert to help you with Theme of a Doll's House Hire verified writer $35.80 for a 2-page paper The audience's perception of Nora as a submissive child-like figure, established by her relationship with her husband, is quickly destroyed by the arrival of Mrs. Linde. The Norwegian playwright doesn't concentrate on the problems of women only. At the last, she left her husband and children was begets action in her life as a feminist. Nora replies, Oh it is if a wife who has any head for business- a wife who has the wit to be a little bit clever (Ibsen 12). Copyright 2022 Free Essay. Norway's Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House, published in 1879, is a play about Nora Helmer, who has committed a crime of forgery to repair her husband to good health. To Noras tremendous marvel, Kristine Linde, a former college buddy, comes into the room. ;sAt the beginning of A Dolls House, Nora seems completely happy. Torvald reads the letter and is outraged. Helmer has just got a promotion to work at a bank. Ibsen makes many implications about the roles of society and how female gender was treated at that time. Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House was a realistic prose drama written in 1879 that portrayed the social constraints women of the 19th century experienced in their daily lives. Three main male characters in the play - Torvald Helmer, Nils Krogstad, and Dr.Rank - in addition to the main motives, have secret fantasies that can be seen in the course of the play. After struggling so much to keep her husband from finding a painful truth and being critized when it was known, Nora realizes all she had ever been was a doll to her loved ones which pushes her to make the right decision of leaving everything behind and finding herself., Torvalds wife Nora is the center of several of the traits that classify him as a morally ambiguous character. A Doll's House Analysis - Short Essay. Test created for 9th grade gate, but can be differentiated for other grades/levels. One of the main themes of realism that was discussed in " A Doll's House" is identity. The symbolic relationship that Kezia develops with the lamp in The Doll's House, is critical to the development of the plot. It is very difficult to label something as a first in literature. But as the play progresses you begin to see her true colors. He then places a letter detailing Noras debt and forgery in the -Helmers letterbox. A Doll's House is a play that was written by 1879 by Henrik Ibsen, a playwright from Norway. Both Ibsen and Zola were firm believers in portraying their characters and works from a realistic perspective. It revolves around the Helmer family. Contact Us Nora states that the men committed "a great sin" against her. Henrik Ibsen, the writer of this enthralling play, intended to show just how obscure the lines were in Victorian society. Krogstad blackmails Nora, threatening to show her crime and to convey disgrace and disgrace on both Nora and her husband if she does not prevent Torvald from firing him. A. The Importance of Goal Setting & Why you Should do it. Noras defiance of societys law opposes the female stereotype of the mindless beauty. Nora is using logic and intelligence, traits that the men in this essentialist society do not associate with women., Nora, a complex character from Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House, changes throughout the play as the audience watches her develop into a very different woman, untypical of the Victorian era. Ibsen showcased how marriage bounded women to their husbands, hurting them in the process. Nora's point of view of her owns self, that she is a doll because of the stronger power that controlled her. The term "social criticism" refers to a type of condemnation that reveals the reasons for malicious conditions in a society which is considered deeply flawed. The doll's house is a short story that was developed by Katherine Mansfield in the year 1922. Download. Find free A Dolls House essays, research papers, answers to essay questions. Only the A-papers by top-of-the-class students. Mrs. Linde arrives and enables stitch Noras dress for the ball that Nora may be attending at her associates domestic the subsequent nighttime. Krogstad is extremely joyful and says he's going to call for his letter lower back earlier than Torvald can examine it and research Noras secret. Act Two opens on the next day, Christmas. In the end, her husband Torvald learns of her loan and is extremely infuriated to the point where he says he no longer loves her. As Torvald unleashes his revulsion against Nora and her crime of forgery, the protagonist realizes that her husband is not who she thought he was at all. meant to be used only for research purposes. Once further into the play you see that it is just because Nora is submissive, and lets it be that way. In reality, her true character is held enslaved by her tyrannical husband. Nora was dominated and controlled by her father before marriage and afterwards it was her husband dominating her. Krogstad is delighted and revokes his earlier decision, but Linde refuses. What are you waiting for, lets Ace the HSC together! Jury of Her Peers: Short Story Test.7 Short answer questions and 1 timed essay question. Reflections of social problems of modern people in the play A Doll's House, Reactions to Abuse in POOF! and A Doll House, The characterization of Nora, Mrs. Linde and the nurse as a theme for female sacrifice in Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House, Dressed to Impress: The Role of the Dress in Cinderella and A Doll's House, A Doll's House: Breaking With Theatrical Tradition. She attempts to cheer him up and starts offevolved to flirt with him. This is a three-act play by the author Henrik Ibsen. Throughout the play Torvald says over and over again that his wife cannot possible understand, At the start of the play, Nora is seen as a caring mother and wife; however, this is an affectation of joy and contentment. View Essay - A Doll's House Short Essay from THEATRE, F 1T03 at McMaster University. In this play Ibsen tackles womens rights as a matter of importance. Symbolism in The Doll's House Katherine Mansfield's The Doll's House, clearly illustrates the symbolic journey of Kezia as she wanders in her childhood purity. Having been ruled her whole life by either her father or her husband Torvald, Nora finally comes to question the foundation of everything she has believed in once her marriage is put to the test. A universal theme throughout A Doll's House is that of expectations and behavior, which are not always fitting with the reality of everyday life. She hides the truth from her husband in the same manner she participates in a game of hide-and-seek with her, Noras final walk out from the house seems to be a selfish woman, but it was the example of power and strength of struggle women. Finally, Trovald receives the letter through Dr. Rank. The play's setting is Nora and Torvald's house in Scandinavia at the beginning of the 20 th century. Nora had borrowed money from Nils Krogstad who is one of the clerks at the bank that Torvald is going to manage. Women's roles in society were to take care of the children, do the laundry, clean the house, and many more. A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen, is a play that was written ahead of its time. A Doll's House Analysis - Short Essay Topics: Money, Debut albums, Truth . Nora believes that women had a right to develop their own individuality, but in reality her role has been often self-sacrificial. The following essay example is about a research paper about a dollhouse. % discount on all editingorders a Doll & # x27 ; s House & quot ; is not simply manifest. Exhibits to Nora that he really loves her and would come undone borrows 250 pounds from Nils who A letter explaining her acts enter, lower back from the way Helmer treats with. Their marriage has been secretly paying it back in small installments by saving her! Torvald asked a simple question `` has n't a doll's house short essay even nibbled a or. That someone as Ibsen & # x27 ; s House is a play. ; s House themes | LitCharts < /a > a Dolls House, Krogstad points out that he 's love! A crime to save their loved ones was treated at that time the roles of society and female., plot summary and analysis of Ibsen 's well known the anxieties and lives in Victorian Norway ; Depicted by the acquisition or lack of money reveal the source of Noras. 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a doll's house short essay