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Incoordination. Hi, I am not using Advantage mullti but just Advantage on my dog, do you think this is ok? Flea Treatment: For the treatment of flea infestations, Advantage Multi for Dogs should be administered at one-month intervals. 11556-DEU-1 EPA Reg. He could not even out his head up. Harmful if swallowed. See the Terms of Use for further details. Prescription Settings. He developed huge cost like bumps on his neck and he lost fur all around his ears and at the area I applied it to on the back of his neck . For Advantage to destroy fleas, they do not have to bite dogs, thus pets suffer less. Are There Side Effects To Advantage. Bayer's Advantage II flea treatment for cats contains unlisted inert ingredients that may cause permanent neurological damage to your cat or dog (vetinfo). Any suggestions? Dont ever use this poison again its not necessary! Keep this and all drugs out of the reach of children. Advantage II kills 98-100% of fleas within 12 hours. Since the medication is applied to your pet's skin, it can be absorbed by the skin and enter the pet's body. If the dog is already infested with fleas when the first dose of Advantage Multi for Dogs is administered, adult fleas on the dog will be killed. I just applied the advantage II kitten on one of my kitties and the large cat on two of them. Advantage Multi for Dogs This is usually a one-off and hair will grow back within 1-2 weeks. 11556-DEU-1 EPA Reg. Advantage is an external treatment and must not get into the pets eyes or mouth. The seizures could not be controlled. And the prices are not reduced because of the size or weight of the dog but due to the number of packed dosages that can be bought for 6 months or one year. (See ADVERSE REACTIONS and ANIMAL SAFETY Safety Study in Heartworm-Positive Dogs.). 5 days after use the same thing happen to him. 4. the application site and lethargy. more than 98 percent of the flea population on your pet within 12 hours Ill never give any of my dogs including my other two this poison ever again. EPA Est. Right now she is shaking and shivering. Though it does not repel fleas, it does kill the fleas on contact, so they do not have to bite your dog to be effective. some of the inert ingredients are not tested rigorously. He had a severe reaction, drooling, lethargic, jaw tremors. No side effects both applications on other cat. Dogs with this mutation may develop signs of severe avermectin toxicity if they ingest this product. 11556-DEU-1 EPA Reg. Thank you. (See ADVERSE REACTIONS.). No. Can anyone tell me what we might be able to do. If enough is ingested, it can cause stomach upsets and loss of appetite. The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. 11556-127. Mi otro gato un macho presento hiperactividsd y un comportamiento extrao en general. Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. Rare and serious side effects If your dog is on medication, consult your veterinarian before using this or any other product. Do not believe what anyone tells you, even vets. My make lost half his fur and my female was lethargic, seemed depressed and was peeing large amounts of blood. He could not eat . Advantage II for cats kills fleas at all life stages, preventing fleas on treated pets from infesting your home and offers complete flea protection for your cat. I know that he didn't ingest any of the formula. Do not use this product on cats. No. The vet said she thinks the seizures maybe just epilepsy. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and gently squeeze to expel a portion of the solution on the skin. This is usually a one-off and hair will grow back within 1-2 weeks. Never again will i trust any toxin on my pets. Field Study: A 56-day field safety study was conducted in 214 D. immitis heartworm and microfilaria positive dogs with Class 1, 2 or 3 heartworm disease. on. A puppy from the 5X treatment group displayed rapid, difficult breathing from 4 to 8 hours following the second treatment. Been a frontline user for 20 years. Rare and serious side effects . Advantage II For Dogs 11-20 lbs 12 Pack. Compare pet medications. Side Effects of Advantage. Monitor your dog after application, Side effects, although very rare, may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. do not apply an excessive amount of solution at any one spot that could cause some of the solution to run off the side of the dog. Side effects from use of Advantage II for dogs are uncommon, but may include skin irritation, gastrointestinal issues like vomiting, diarrhea or hypersalivation, and lethargy. Advantage II For Dogs Under 10 lbs 12 Pack. It's been 3 months now and my cat is still 95% paralyzed in his back legs. Advantage Multi for Dogs may be administered year-round or at a minimum should start one month before the first expected exposure to mosquitoes and should continue at monthly intervals until one month after the last exposure to mosquitoes. Advantage is the best flea treatment with bundle of benefits. Features of K9 Advantix II: Available over the counter. Your pet might also appear non-responsive, Keep this and all drugs out of the reach of children. Generally, no dogs given the correct dosage of K9 Advantix ever had any adverse effects. of the fleas. Do not allow the dog to lick any of the application sites for 30 minutes. Advantage II for cats and Advantage II for dogs both include another active ingredient less than 1 percent of pyriproxyfen, . CanadaPetCare is one of the top leading online pet care stores due to its excellent quality pet supplies at the most reasonable rates. Owners reported the following signs in their dogs after application of Advantage Multi for Dogs: pruritus, flaky/greasy residue at the treatment site, medicinal odor, lethargy, inappetence, and hyperactivity. I've used Advantage Spot On for years and my cats have been fine until their latest application. Advantage II for Dogs is the veterinarian-approved dog medication with two strong active ingredients to protect your dogs from fleas and lice. I had to put her to sleep. If these or other side effects (such as lethargy or restlessness) occur, consult your veterinarian or call 1-800-422-9874. If any of the following serious side effects occur, stop using Advantage Multi and seek emergency veterinary medical attention: an allergic reaction (facial swelling, hives, scratching, sudden onset of diarrhea, vomiting, shock, seizures, pale gums, cold limbs, or coma). At my hospital, we have VERY FEW patients who cannot take certain preventatives and we quickly find the solution because without these treatments, these babies can become so infested that it leads to Anemia and often organ failure, followed by death. This topical solution works continuously for a whole month so it can be applied once a month. Oral Safety Study in Ivermectin-Sensitive Collies: They are paralysed and die only minutes from coming into contact with Advantage -they dont even have to bite your pet to be affected. We noticed she had a couple of fleas when we got in the house. Do not use this product, it can kill an animal. Advantage II for dogs comes in 4 dosage strengths and is available in quantities of 4 and 6 monthly treatments. Advantage II made my cats very sick, Vet had me wash the cats and watch to make sure they didn't foam at the mouth or go into convulsions. Do not use this product on cats. DO NOT use this product ! Treatment and Control of Sarcoptic Mange: For the treatment and control of sarcoptic mange caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. One of my cats started drooling really bad about an hour after treatment, but it only lasted a few minutes and she drank water and it cleared up. K9 Advantix II for dogs fits this description and is considered a good flea medicine. The flipside of this is that it won't pose any danger to your cats in any way, so if the mosquito side isn't a problem and you have house cats then this might be a consideration for you. Turn the cap around and place other end of cap back on tube. I use Advantage II with my med sized dog and every time we do a treatment she scratches out of control, wont eat and seems depressed. Topical products like Advantage II should never be ingested. In avermectin sensitive dogs,a the signs may be more severe and may include coma and death.b Checking various benefits of using Advantage and the side effects of this flea treatment, you can decide well why this flea treatment is best for your pet. Under normal conditions the product is effective for a month. Product Description. This was 4 days ago. (See PRECAUTIONS.). the neurotoxins in advantage II caused him irreparable nerve damage, therefore he has been put on phenobarbital to control his seizures. it is now 3 wks later and he has started scratching and bleeding again. 4. . Placed it on my cat and next day his fur fell off around medication site. Microfilaria counts decreased with treatment. Hello! The easiest way to lookup drug information, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal medication records. Should I not give them Advantage any longer, or maybe for a couple of treatments use the kitten dose even though they are adults? Never again. Gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting or diarrhea have also been reported. He also had diarrhea. Our vet is closed. They treat animal-only conditions and those also found in humans, and come in forms and dosages specifically for pets. Use por primera vez advantage multi en mis dos gatos, ambos tuvieron reacciones desfavorables, la hembra present vmitos, temblores en extremidades, perdida de apetito, desnimo en general dejo de acicalarse y adems present dificultades para respirar. She was spaded, and given all her medicines including advantage plus all within 9 days. Side Effects: Monitor your dog after application. Advantage II For Dogs is a pet medication that treats fleas. 7. This stuff is poison to my dog. It is also safe for pregnant and lactating animals. For dogs weighing 20 lbs. In both groups, there were more adverse reactions to Advantage Multi for Dogs following the first treatment than the second treatment. Advantage II for dogs combines two active ingredients: Imidacloprid attacks the flea's nervous system - paralyzing and ultimately killing it. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. Gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting or diarrhea . Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20minutes. These undesirable reactions range from mild irritation to vomiting. This is temporary and does not affect the safety and effectiveness of the product. Occasionally hair loss also occurs. One puppy in the 1X treatment group had pruritus for one hour following the fifth treatment. It all happened 4 to 5 days after applying the Advantage II. This isnt the first time hes had a reaction but its abaolutly terrifying. Advantage II for Dogs controls existing flea infestations on your dog and prevents further infestations. My poor little buddy is a victim of this toxic marketing ploy. Advantage II is safe for dogs older than 7 weeks and weighing 3 lbs or more. I administered Advantage multi on my two 3 year old pups and senior dog on Friday night.On Saturday one of the pups was not eating and lethargic. This shampoo, knowing the ludicrous number of complaints, is a last resort. My cat almost diedstill in observation at the vet..he has suffered terrible fits of shakingcannot walk, crying, fits and total misery. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling. Following the first treatment with Advantage Multi for Dogs alone, two dogs experienced adverse reactions (coughing, vomiting, and dyspnea) that required hospitalization. Although Advantage flea treatment is considered safe, some dogs might develop an adverse reaction to this treatment. Two puppies each in the 1X, 3X, and 5X groups had decreased appetites within 24 hours post-dosing. Side Effects. Common signs of toxicity from flea products containing organophosphates are diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, small pupils, muscle tremor, weakness or falling over, and drooling. the. I just want to point out that while it IS a risk to put any of these products on your pets, it is no more of a risk individually as us buying medicine to treat our own ailments. Shawnee Mission Its ingredients include 2.5 % moxidectin, along with 10% imidacloprid. Otherwise, Advantage is an extremely easy and effective treatment to make sure your beloved pet doesnt become high-rise living for fleas and lice. Select one or more newsletters to continue. If you are giving to dogs AND cats, make sure it's advantage 2 and not advantix. Although Advantage II products for dogs and cats contain the same active ingredients, the manufacturer does not advise using a dog product . Part the hair on the dogs back, between the shoulder blades, until the skin is visible. EPA Est. Multi use pills are out due to seizures. Advantage Multi for Dogs kills adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment of flea infestations (Ctenocephalides felis). Advantage kills fleas when they come in contact with pets under treatment. Our poor furbabies are guniea pigs. Field Studies: Following treatment with Advantage Multi for Dogs or an active control, dog owners reported the following post-treatment reactions: During a field study using 61 dogs with pre-existing flea allergy dermatitis, one (1.6 %) dog experienced localized pruritus immediately after imidacloprid application, and one investigator noted hyperkeratosis at the application site of one dog (1.6 %). I adopted a new kitty. Its like she has completely lost it at times. She was up and playing then one day took a turn for the worse. My advice is, if you love your dog dont use this Advantage Multi. A second monthly dose may be administered if necessary. What was the other medication that worked without harm??? or for those wet weather loving, storm chasing pets. Advantage II is available in packs according to your dog's size. I purchased the 4 pack for large cats as he did weight 12.5 pounds. Pet medications are prescription and over-the-counter medicines for dogs, cats, and other animals. Pre-existing pupae in the environment may continue to emerge for six (6) weeks or longer depending upon the climatic conditions. Such Pros Kills fleas and lice on contact What are the side effects of Advantix for dogs? For consumer questions call 1-800-255-6826. Advantage Multi for Dogs has not been evaluated in heartworm-positive dogs with Class 4 heartworm disease. My vet examined him, and after a series of expensive blood tests stated that everyday cats come in with reactions from using advantage 2, and while the drooling and watery eyes would go away the paralysis might be permanent. ADVANTAGE II large dog - For Dogs and Puppies 7 Weeks and Older and Weighing 21 - 55lbs. other. While holding the tube in an upright position, remove the cap from the tube. 3. There are a range of dosages available that depend upon the weight of your pet. weighing 3 lbs. This ability to prevent and potentially cure heartworm infestations is a distinguishing feature of Advantage Multi for dogs. The effects of Advantage II last for 30 days. My Binky after advantage is sitting quietly then jumps up runs and hisses I dont know what to do. This treatment is so effective that it stops fleas from biting your Its one of the safest and most effective treatments We tried to wash it off. its now been about a month of symptoms. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after handling. At 5X, one dog was observed vomiting three hours after the second treatment. Why choose Advantage II for Dogs? . Monitor your dog after application, Side effects, although very rare, may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. The dogs ranged in age from 2 months to 12.5 years and ranged in weight from 3 to 231.5 pounds. It is even waterproof so will still work after bathing, swimming, extensive puddle or mud rolling (you know who you are!) P.O. However, some dogs do have a sensitivity to the medication and develop skin irritation after the medication is applied. Advantage II is for external use on dogs and puppies 3 lbs or more and 7 weeks or older, cats and kittens 2 lbs or more and 8 weeks or older, or ferrets weighing 1 lb or over and 10 weeks of age or older. Advantage II for Dogs controls flea infestations by acting on the central nervous system of insects. Occasionally hair loss also occurs. Advantage 40 Flea Treatment should be used for smaller cats, small dogs and rabbits. swimming or after exposure to rain or sunlight. Subscribe to newsletters for the latest medication news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Product Code : 12625. Side effects may include signs of skin irritation such as redness, scratching, or other signs of discomfort. You should be alert for symptoms such as dilation of the pupils, Avoid contact with skin. Fleas will stop biting within five minutes of the application, and will be dead within 20 minutes of contact. In a field safety and effectiveness study, Advantage Multi for Dogs was administered to 92 client-owned dogs with sarcoptic mange. EPA Est. Bayer says the product kills 98% of the fleas in 12 hours, but Advantage does not kill the flea eggs. Advantage II is labeled only for cats aged 8 weeks of age and older. Twist the cap to break the seal and then remove cap from the tube. between the shoulder blades of your pet to rid him of fleas. All dogs were hospitalized for a minimum of 12 hours following each treatment. He has lost some of that weight now. Pesticide Disposal and Container Handling: NonrefiIlable container. n=106, Dogs Treated with 30-day continuous protection Apply Advantage II monthly. The signs in this dog may have been related to peak serum levels of moxidectin, which vary between dogs, and occur between 1 and 21 days after application of Advantage Multi for Dogs. the following symptoms, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, aggressiveness, impulsivity, akathisia (psychomotor restlessness), hypomania, and mania, have been reported in adult and pediatric patients being treated with antidepressants for major depressive disorder as well as for other indications, both Advantage II for extra large dogs: 55+ lbs. Suddenly winter 2017 got a horrible infestation and frontline didn't TOUCH it. Another dog exhibited abnormal neurological signs (circling, ataxia, generalized muscle tremors, and dilated pupils with a slow pupillary light response) starting at 4 hours post-dosing through 18 hours postdosing. He had hair loss at application site. It eliminates about 98-100% of fleas on dogs and cats, and protects them from heavy flea infestation. My dog has been treated with every. He is my everything! Moreover, Advantage kills fleas before they lay eggs on your pets, thus breaking their life- cycle. 6. Hold applicator tube in an upright position facing away from you and your pets face and eyes. Some may react terribly and some may have no issues arrise. TO THE EXTENT CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE LAW, BAYER MAKES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, INCLUDING ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS OR MERCHANTABILITY, and no agent of Bayer is authorized to do so except in writing with a specific reference to this warranty. Is Advantage Multi safe for pregnant dogs? Copyright 2022 Animalytix LLC. Advantage II for large dogs: 21 to 55 lbs. How terrifying. When I called they said benadryl and go ahead and give him a bath. Advantage flea treatment is waterproof. To control his fleas, we use Comfortis, which is only available by prescription but works wonderfully. We could not figure out what hapoened to her. Hair grew back, so gave him a 2nd app months later. Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health Division, P.O. There are many possible side effects in dogs taking Advantage Multi. The recommended minimum dose is 4.5 mg/lb (10 mg/kg) imidacloprid and 1.1 mg/lb (2.5 mg/kg) moxidectin, once a month, by topical administration. No, do not use Advantage II for cats on dogs. If these or other side effects (such as lethargy or agitation) occur, consult your veterinarian or call 1-800 . Apply directly to dog's skin no hard-to-swallow pills. Do not give anything to an unconscious person. No clinical abnormalities were observed. It is better to avoid administering Advantage to dogs that are sensitive to avermectin as it may cause severe side effects. No. Advantage Multi for Dogs is not effective against adult D. immitis. We thought this was the end for him. I applied it to both my dog's just the normal one the terrier is okay but my Bull dog is now having a reaction it's really scary, I won't be using it again. I did call a vet and they said 1/2 dose of childrens Benadryl . Note, I also bathed her in mild dish soap when symptoms appeared. If a dose is missed and a 30-day interval between doses is exceeded, administer Advantage Multi for Dogs immediately and resume the monthly dosing schedule. Side Effects. Keep this and all drugs out of the reach of children. Advantage is so gentle that it can be used even on eight-week-old kittens. difficulty in breathing. Advantage Multi for Dogs was administered topically at 3 and 5X the recommended dose every 28 days for 3 treatments to Collies which had been prescreened for avermectin sensitivity. It is so horrible to see and I just want him better, has anyone got any ideas if it isnt the flea treatment, would be appreciated. No. UPDATE: washed the area out with mild soap and water and made sure to dry it off. 6. Use with caution in sick, debilitated, or underweight animals. I cant imagine if it had killed my pets how I would feel. I will probably look into maybe a flea collar or some other type of flea treatment. Topical products like Advantage II should never be ingested. age of 7 months. I am so ashamed I didn't know better, I almost lost my best friends. Drooling - This may occur if your dog licks the area of application as Advantix has a bitter taste to discourage ingestion, but drooling can also result from overdosing or an allergic reaction. $1500 later and nothing is working, I tried another flea medication in between another antibiotic because the advantage didnt work anyway and suddenly my cats are back to normal. For external use only. a Some dogs are more sensitive to avermectins due to a mutation in the MDR1 gene. Vomiting after drug application also occurs in some cases. Keep cats away from treated dogs for 24hours. My dear dog is now blind. The active ingredient present in Advantage acts on the nervous system Advantage flea treatment, you should wash him with a mild shampoo and Advantage ii for dogs is a flea remedy that is available online. reapplied. Loose stools and diarrhea were observed in all groups, including the controls, throughout the study. If the hair loss spreads or doesnt grow back then consult your vet. Advantage II kills fleas at all life stages, preventing flea infestations. manufactured by Bayer and is the brand name for imidacloprid, an In rare cases, ingestion of Advantage in dogs may cause adverse reactions including depression, dilated pupils, salivation, incoordination, panting and generalized muscle tremors. If your pet manages to get the treatment in their eyes, flush their eyes immediately with plenty of water and consult with your vet. Since the medication is 11556-128. on June 12 he had is 1st dose of the season and has scratched his neck to the point of bleeding. My chihuahua is having an extreme reaction to advantage multi administered 2 days ago. . Add to Cart. Flea treatment with Advantage II gives your cat a safe solution that only needs to be applied once a month. 6 x 2.5 mL tubes Currently at the vet but please please avoid this poison. 6 x 4.0 mL tubes What are the side effects of advantage for dogs? If your pet manages to get the treatment in their eyes, flush their eyes immediately with plenty of water and consult with your vet. The most common breeds associated with this mutation include Collies and Collie crosses. Each tube contains 400 mg of imidacloprid and 100 mg of moxidectin. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain. The flea control treatment kills adult fleas and flea larvae within 20 minutes of contact. Thank you for any advice you may have. A day after she started getting sick didnt eat or drink water looked really depressed . + Melarsomine Will this flea treatment protect your pets against flea infestation or will it have any side effects. The dog should be standing for easy application. suffer from seizures, snap at the air, shake uncontrollably and have CAUTION: Federal (U.S.A.) Law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. 2. He's etheric and won't eat and very thirsty. It can be used on dogs, 7 weeks or older, and cats 8 weeks or older, as well as rabbits and ferrets. Ensure you purchase the correct dosage for your pet and that all directions are followed accurately. Some say Advantage isn't as 'chemically harsh' as Frontline, is often said to cause less adverse reactions and side effects and so is best for more sensitive dogs. Other side effects can include loss of Indicated for the prevention and control treatment of flea infestations and can be used on kittens aged 8 weeks and older. K9 Advantix . Its true, honestly Jon Snow you can not stop your beloved pets from fleas and lice simply by wrapping them up in cotton wool coats that is. Regular cover is important, whether you choose . Advantage works almost instantly to kill the fleas on your pets; it is water-resistant and is . Alot of meds for a 6 pound dog. Advantage II is not a safe flea treatment option (nor did it work). Generally speaking, for a flea product to be labeled as good (effective), it must kill between 98% and 100% of the fleas within 12 hours of application and then prevent new infestations for at least four weeks. The long and short of the Advantage 2 flea drops is that it has the same parts as Advantix 2 for dogs but it won't help protect your pet against mosquitoes. Minor skin irritation is common at the site of application, especially if it is your pets first ever treatment. Avoid contact with skin. Canine Flea Control with Advantage for Dogs, Treating Flea Bites on Cats with Adulticides, Its easily available in local stores and pharmacies, It eradicates fleas on your pet within 12 hours of application and kills the larvae as well. NO LO RECOMIENDO EN ABSOLUTO, POR FAVOR DEJEN DE VENDERLO! This is because cats are likely to experience some potentially damaging side effects from this product, and the same is true for dogs that are given . window.__mirage2 = {petok:"Pg7XTO6jnajwKHAHKJthJ_weVRU3EzWE_tz_F6HmES4-1800-0"}; about $50 for 4 months of application. We noticed a strong smell from the fkea stuff. market. Stiffening or the damp appearance of hair, itchiness, redness or pinkish skin may occur but these are temporary side effects. Advantage II for dogs is waterproof and remains effective following a shampoo treatment. This combination plays a crucial role in treating and preventing infestations, because: Another consideration when choosing between Frontline Plus and Advantage II for Dogs is your pet's risk of exposure.

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advantage ii for dogs side effects