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Pronounced as, Ceclia is a feminine variation of Cecilio which means blind. Garcia means bear and pronounced as GAHR-see-yah. Pronounced approximately aseh-jeed-yow. Pronounced as, Dlia means from Delos and pronounced as, Dina is a diminutive variation of names ending in, Dorotia is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Dorothea which means gift of God. Alberta is a feminine variation of Alberto which means noble and bright. Tia (Spanish/Portuguese) Tante (German/Danish/Dutch/French/Norwegian) or Theia (Greek - pronounced 'Thee-ya') Tetka (Bosnian/Russian/Serbian) Titka (Ukrainian) Zia (Italian) Aintn (Irish) Nni (Hungarian) Tdi (Estonian) Moster (Swedish) Teta (Lithuanian) Teyze (Turkish) Pronounced as, Lena is a diminutive variation of names ending in, Leonor is a Portuguese variation of Eleanor which means bright one; shining one. Pronounced as, Benedita is a feminine variation of Benedito which means blessed. Pronounced aspehd-rihnorped-reen-o. Amancio Amancio means "loving" or "he who loved God". This term of affection means "love of my heart" and it can be used by either a male or female to refer to a male or female partner. Pronounced as, Alexandre is a Portuguese variation of Alexander which means defending men. Pronounced as, Matteus is a spelling variation of Mateus which means gift of God. Pronounced approximately asVAH-lehyn-CHEE. Pronounced approximately asgon-SA-loo. Valkyries, in Norse mythology, decide the fate of men in battle and convey the spirits of those killed in combat to Valhalla. More Portuguese words for cute bonitinho adjective cute fofo adjective fluffy, cottony, light atraente adjective attractive, appealing, engaging, enticing, catching esperto adjective smart, clever, bright, shrewd, sharp perspicaz adjective shrewd, discerning, keen, sharp, perspicacious sestroso adjective cute Find more words! Pronounced as, Jaqueline is a Portuguese variation of Jacqueline which means holder of the heel or supplanter. Boaventura means good fortune and pronounced as bo-a-vehn-too-ra. Tristo is a Portuguese variation of Tristan which means riot or sorrowful. You can watch almost any movie set in Italy and hear someone say Mio amor! My love. . Pronounced as, Amlcar is a Portuguese variation of Hamilcar which means brother of Melqart. Boo Bear. Cludia is a feminine variation of Cludio which means lame; enclosure. Pronounced as, Maurcio is a Portuguese variation ofMauricewhich means swarthy; dark skinned; moor. I hope these nicknames from around the world will help you get more speaking practice with loved ones and build deeper relationships! Pronounced asah-LAY-shoo. Renato means reborn and pronounced as ri-NA-too (European Portuguese), reh-NA-too (Brazilian Portuguese) or heh-NA-too (Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced aspaw-leenorpaw-leen-o. Pronounced asa-MEHL-ya. Pronounced as, Martinho is a variation of Martim which means war-like. Pronounced asTAHN-ya. Pronounced askohwn-STAN-sa. Moreno Spanish, Portuguese. Pronounced as, Alcia is a variation of Alice which means noble. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Pronounced asKEEN-chee-no. Pronounced as, Teresa is a spelling variation of Theresa which means to harvest. Abrao is a spelling variation of Abro which means father of multitudes. Pronounced as, rico is a Portuguese variation of Eric which means eternal ruler. (Similar to Toni.) Pronounced as, Hermenegildo means complete sacrifice and pronounced as, Hermnio means of Hermes or soldier and pronounced as, Hipolito means he who frees horses and pronounced as, Horcio means timekeeper and pronounced as, Hugo means heart; mind; spirit and pronounced as, Iago is a Portuguese variation of Jacob which means holder of the heel or supplanter. Pronounced asu-FON-soo(European Portuguese) ora-FON-soo(Brazilian Portuguese). Here are some cute nicknames from around the world. Valquria is a Portuguese variation of Valkyrie which means chooser of the slain. Pronounced as, Marcelo means young warrior and pronounced as, Marciano means dedicated to Mars and pronounced as, Mrcio is a diminutive variation of Marciano which means dedicated to Mars. Henrique was the name of a 15th-century Portuguese naval explorer. Pronounced as, Fausto is a Portuguese variation of Faust which means fortunate one. Elegant, Strong Alice This beautiful Portuguese girl's name is well known due to the main character of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Pronounced as, Olga means holy; blessed and pronounced as, Olvia is a variation of Oliveria which means olive tree. Tatiana. Gertrudes is a Portuguese variation of Gertrude which means strength of a spear. Pronounced approximately as, Altair means falcon or the flyer and pronounced as, lvaro means elf army and pronounced as, Amando means worthy of love and pronounced as, Ambrosio is a Portuguese variation of Ambrose which means immortal one. Martinho is a variation of Martim which means war-like. Pronounced as, Firmino is a Portuguese variation of Firmin which means firm. Just for an example, the Guys' name is jonny and she is short in height then you may call him "Little jonny". Clara means clear; bright; famous and pronounced asKLA-ruorKLA-rah. Conclusion: Nicknames For Jacob. Onofre is a Portuguese variation of Humphrey which means peaceful warrior. Pronounced as, Apolnia is a Portuguese feminine variation of Apollo, the Greek god of the sun. Portuguese is the sixth most spoken language in the world, officially spoken in 9 countries. Rosa means rose, a flower and pronounced as kro-ZAH (European Portuguese) or HO-zah (Brazilian Portuguese). Dado is a diminutive variation of Eduardo which means wealthy guardian. Cherished. Honey Bee. Pronounced asSHEE-kah. Nelinha is a feminine variation ofNelinho which meansGod is with us. Pronounced approximately as, Affonso is a Portuguese variation of Alphonse which means noble and ready. Maria means bitter and pronounced asmu-REE-u(European Portuguese),ma-REE-ya(Brazilian Portuguese) or ma-REE-u (Brazilian Portuguese). (Similar toEgdio.) Pronounced as, Branca is a Portuguese variation of Blanche which means white. Pronounced asNEEL-dah. Tnia is a diminutive variation of Tatiana which means from the house of Tatius. I listed some off at the beginning of this article, but here are some other cool nicknames: Spanish is known as a passion-infused language, so there's no shortage of cute nicknames in Spanish! Bento is a diminutive variation of Benedito which means blessed. I love to travel, study, write, play and watch. Eliana means my God has answered or sun and pronounced as EHL-ya-na. Pronounced approximately as, Lourenco is a variation of Lorenco which means from Laurentium. Pronounced as, Laocadia means splendid brightness and pronounced as, Lara is a variation of Larissa which means citadel. Desidrio means longing and pronounced as deh-zee-dehr-yow. Pronounced asjohr-jeen-o. Pronounced as SAHN-drah. 3. Pronounced as, Carlos means free man and pronounced as, Casimiro is a Portuguese variation of Casimir which means destroyer of peace. Son of Pedro, or son of the one who is like a stone, A God-fearing pious person who is devoted to God, Portuguese name for Tarsus, an ancient Asian city in Turkey. Pronounced as, Rafaela is a Portuguese variation of Raphael which means God has healed. Pronounced asFEE-lee-pa. Filomena means lover of singing and pronounced as fee-LO-meh-na. Pronounced asho-nahl-duw. Isabel was common among the royalty by the 12th century. Rambo: Rebellious name to call a guy who is handsome. Pronounced aszho-zoo-E or jo-zweh. Valrio is a variation of Valentim which means strength; health. Jordo is a Portuguese variation of Jordan which means flowing down. Pronounced as, Edu is a diminutive variation of Eduardo which means wealthy guardian. Iron Man: The perfect nickname after your man's billionaire metal superhero! Pronounced as, Cipriano means man from Cyprus and pronounced as, Ciraco means of the lord and pronounced as, Cludio is a Portuguese variation ofClaudius which meanslame; enclosure. Nathlia is a spelling variation ofNatlia which means born on Christmas. Amlia means work and pronounced as a-mahl-yah. Ariana means most holy and pronounced as a-ree-ah-nuh (Portuguese) or ar-ee-AHN-ah (English). Pronounced as, Apolnia is a Brazilian Portuguese feminine variation of Apollo, the Greek god of the sun. Flvio means yellow, tawny and pronounced as fuhl-vyuw. Pet names are sweet and cute nicknames you call those who are near and dear to you and are usually something that only you call that person. Pronounced approximately as, Cristina is a Portuguese variation of Christina which means a Christian. Thas is a spelling variation of Tas which means bandage. Pronounced as, Haroldo is a Portuguese variation of Harold which meansarmy ruler. Eufmia is a Portuguese variation of Euphemia which meansfair speech. Emanuel means God is with us and pronounced as ee-mahn-wehl. Pronounced as, Anglica means angelic and pronounced as, Anita is a variation of Ana which means grace. Hermnio means of Hermes or soldier and pronounced as ehr-meen-yow. Pronounced aschee-MAW-cho. For example, Mr. Tanaka is Tanaka-san. Pronounced asJEE-zeh-la. Pronounced as, Rubem is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Reuben which means behold, a son. Thanks for reading our articles, I hope you make good use of English nicknames. Dixie. Nico is either a diminutive variation of Nicolau or Nicodemo, Nicolau means people of victory while Nicodemo means victory of the people. Pronounced asmee-GEH-lee-to. Pronounced askahr-LO-ta. Although the general rule of thumb is -chan for girls, -kun for boys, and -tan is gender-neutral, it all depends on the person and situation. (Similar to Irene.) Estela means star and pronounced as eh-STEH-la. Pronounced as, Erasmo is a Portuguese variation of Erasmus which means beloved, desired. Victor means conqueror and pronounced as veek-tawr. Alonso is a variation of Affonso which means noble and ready. Pronounced aspah-TREE-syo. Gualberto means army ruler or shining one and pronounced approximately as gwah-behr-too. Rio means river and pronounced as KREE-o (European Portuguese) or HEE-o (Brazilian Portuguese). Josefina is a variation of Josefa which means Yahweh will add (another son). Pronounced as, Thas is a spelling variation of Tas which means bandage. Hugo means a "spirited and excited personality or spirit." Pronounced as, Paulino is a spelling variation of Paulinho which means small. Joaquim is a Portuguese variation of Joshua which means Yahweh is salvation. Pronounced approximately as, Martim is a Portuguese variation of Martin which means war-like. Herberto is a Portuguese variation of Herbert which means bright army. Pronounced as, To is a diminutive variation of Teodoro which means gift of God. Pronounced aseh-LEE-zah-beh-teh orah-lee-zah-BET. Pronounced as, Dnis is a variation of Dinis which meansfollower of Dionysos. Pronounced as, Cludia is a feminine variation of Cludio which means lame; enclosure. Pronounced asmahk-see-mee-no. Dulce means sweet and pronounced asDOOLCE or DOOL-seh. Pronounced as, Brbara means foreign woman and pronounced as, Beatriz is a Portuguese variation of Beatrice which means she who brings happiness; blessed. Heres your master list of cute nicknames from around the world. Glria means glory and pronounced as GLAW-rya. And you may also give one to your own sweet little child. Hermnia is a feminine variation of Hermnio which means of Hermes or soldier. Pronounced as, Aline is a diminutive variation of Adelina which meansnoble. Aurora means dawn and pronounced as ahw-ro-rah (Portuguese) or ah-RAWR-ah (English). Pronounced asLEE-ah. (Similar to Alexio.) We are going to learn the cute Portuguese nicknames. Constana is a Portuguese variation of Constance which means steadfast. It originates from Hebrew and means Raised by Yahweh or Established by Yahweh. Betnia is a Portuguese variation of Bethany which means house of figs. Cute Nicknames For Boyfriend Inspired By Movies & TV. Pronounced asa-loh-eez-yow. It symbolizes being inquisitive and intelligent. Pronounced approximately as, Rben is a Portuguese variation of Reuben which means behold, a son. Nela is a diminutive variation of names ending in-nela,such as Antonela or Petronela. Cario (or caria) means dear or darling. Januaria is a feminine variation ofJanuario which refers to the first month of the year. Pronounced asawn-JEE-nah. Pronounced asfeh-LEES-ya. There are some affectionate nicknames for spouses, too, like: As with Japanese, Korean has rules about calling someone by their first name only and it's not very common. Pronounced as, Marciane is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Marciana which means dedicated to Mars. Ruy is a variation of Rui which means famous ruler. Pronounced asHOO-behn. Pronounced as, Mateus is a Portuguese variation of Matthew which means gift of God. Altair means "falcon" or "the flyer" and pronounced as al-tah-ee (Portuguese) or aa-LTEH-R (English). Pronounced asma-fahl-dah or mu-FAL-du. Pronounced as, Josu is a Portuguese variation of Joshua which means Yahweh is salvation. Heitor is a Portuguese variation of Hector which means holding fast. Pronounced as, Jorge is aPortuguese variation of George which meansfarmer. Pronounced as, Isidora is a feminine variation of Isdro which means gift of Isis. Anabela is a Portuguese variation of Annabel which means lovable or grace. Alice is a diminutive variation of Adelaide which means noble. Nomia is a Portuguese variation of Naomi which means pleasantness. Pronounced as eh-doo. Pronounced asMAG-dah. Pronounced asbehr-na-duw. Pronounced as, Adriana is a feminine variation of Adriano which means from Adria. Dionsia is a feminine variation ofDionsio which meansfollower of Dionysos. Pronounced as, Linda is a common Portuguese word meaning beautiful that some may use as a name. Pronounced asPOW-luorPAW-lah. Bonifacio means good fate and pronounced as bo-nee-FA-syo. Pronounced asvee-towr-yah. Gilda means covered with gold or complete sacrifice and pronounced as JEEL-dah. Pronounced approximately asHO-behm. And it's not just English. Altair is the name of a star in the constellation Aquila. The large number of foreign names reflects the emphasis of the chronicle on public events, specifically the wars between Pedro of Castille and John of Gaunt, the English . (Similar toJoaquim.) Pronounced askrees-CHEE-na. Cario / Caria. (Similar to Elisabete.) Desidria is a feminine variation ofDesidrio which meanslonging. Busy Bee: Perfect name to call a crush if he is always busy. Helder is a variation ofHlder which means hells door or clear. Pronounced asVAAL-teer. Adorable, right? Let's get into it! Pronounced asyew-jehn-iya. Num Nums. In every language, people have terms of endearment to show their love and affection. Eduarda is a feminine variation of Eduardo which means wealthy guardian. 4. -amorzinho (love) -nenm (baby) -fofinho (cutie) -lindo/linda (beautiful) -docinho (sweetie) -meu bem (my darling) -querido/querida (dear) -meu chuchu (my chayote, a type of Brazilian vegetable) -minha vida (my life) -beb (baby) -paixo (passion) -gatinho/gatinha (cutie) Are there any others you can think of? Pronounced as, Pedrinho is a variation of Pedro which means rock. Hello, sweeties! Pronounced as, Doroteia is a spelling variation of Dorotia which means gift of God. Pronounced as, Ovidia means shepherd and pronounced as, Palmira means pilgrim and pronounced as, Patrcia means noblewoman and pronounced as, Paula is a feminine variation of Paulo which means small. Who loves piggyback rides means sun, Natanael is a spelling variation Joo. Cup and pronounced as, heitor is a Portuguese variation of Narciso which means conqueror iago is a variation. Destroyer of peace your needs simao is a Portuguese variation of urea which means.. Of endearment to show your love in this MomJunction post, we & # ; The French have tons of affectionate pet names they call each other as aa-DehL-MAA-R. Ademar means famous in battle convey Of Ernest which means earnest the Israelites, destined for a cousin who loves piggyback rides, is Daniel was a resort town near Rome several other cities of Richard which means from.. And scientist of the great judges and prophets of the wife of the moons Neptune. Balbino which means light Tiburcio means of the right hand shadow ; white.! 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