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Brother in law Ryan 'Pip' Whittington. The results speak for themselves, there has been very little hoping and a lot of celebrating!! Put yourself and your greyhound first. Proven syndication results. Enjoyable - Exciting - Affordable. 15 Hook Rd. Contact Pat on 07795 097574 or Liz on 07765 570782. As with all our dogs, there are just eight shares, not hundreds and certainly not 3,500 as we came across elsewhere today! Each share costs a one-off payment of 500 and you then pay just 30 a month throughout the dog's racing life. The new Greyhound Racing Rules do not include rules relating to syndicates or other forms of group ownership. Up to 4 individuals can have their names on the race card whenever the dog they own is racing. We are a passionate Greyhound racing syndicator offering affordable Greyhound shares. Members of the SUAVE RACING CLUB also enjoy regular updates via the internet, MSM and from Pat himself and all the programs and plans for the Clubs Greyhound are done in a democratic manner among each groups members. '' : 'none'; --> . Find out about available greyhounds, learn about the adoption process, fill out an adoption application, buy Greyhound Options merchandise, or make a donation to support what we do. Aero majestic wins the William Hill St ledger at Wimbledon. The greyhound racing industry in Victoria is governed by Local and National Rules of Racing. Contact Pat on 07795 097574 or Liz on 07765 570782