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margin: 0; This indicates that the model does a good job of predicting whether or not a player will get drafted. J Vet Med Sci 2012; 74: 99102. Laakso M. Biomarkers for type 2 diabetes. conceptualized the topic. Community-contributed commands A study that involved 10 research sheep (1 was anemic and 9 were healthy) determined that half the sheep had positive results for M ovis infection when tested by use of a qPCR assay; however, no bacteria were detected by use of light microscopy for the 9 healthy sheep. ; Ouwerkerk, W.; van Veldhuisen, D.J. ; Givertz, M.M. Article 11. Similarly, suppose we want to compare the mean arterial pressure (MAP) between treatment and control groups, if our MAP variable follows normal distribution, independent samples t-test while in case follow non-normal distribution, Mann--Whitney U test are used to compare the MAP between the treatment and control groups. ; Nahrendorf, M. Cardioimmunology: The immune system in cardiac homeostasis and disease. Yu S, Sun Z, Zheng L, et al. J Diabetes. International Diabetes Federation. Blood samples were obtained from 362 female goats located on 61 farms in Indiana for use in a qPCR assay. A systematic review on the association between lipid accumulation product index and type 2 diabetes mellitus. ; Duncker, D.J. Finally, 6467 residents who had complete data were included in our analysis. Selection of appropriate statistical method depends on the following three things: Aim and objective of the study, Type and distribution of the data used, and Nature of the observations (paired/unpaired). Authors would like to express their deep and sincere gratitude to Dr. Prabhat Tiwari, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, for his encouragement to write this article. Family history and perceptions about risk and prevention for chronic diseases in primary care: a report from the family healthware impact trial. There were good correlations (, At present, there are a large number of people with HF in the world, which has brought a huge economic burden to the worlds healthcare systems, and thus, the diagnosis, evaluation, therapy and prognosis of HF are urgent medical problems to be solved. Calculate the predicted probability in logistic regression (or any other binary classification model). ; et al. Physical activity was classified as sufficient activity (exercised more than 150min/ week) and insufficient activity (exercised less than 150min/ week) [33]. As mean is used to compare parametric method, which is severally affected by the outliers while in nonparametric method, median/mean rank is our representative measures which do not affect from the outliers.[11]. Onderstepoort J Vet Sci Anim Ind 1934; 3: 263271. 18. PubMed ; Borlaug, B.A. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. However, large-scale clinical trials are needed in the future to confirm these findings. This curve is called the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Mean Cq was 32.1 (range, 26.4 to 34.0), and mean melting temperature was 74.6C. Vet Rec 2003; 152: 193198. ; Verhaar, M.C. Tang ML, Zhong Y, Yue S, et al. National Library of Medicine The site is secure. Brown, C.D., and Davis, H.T. PubMed 2020;13:165360. ; Shantsila, E. Monocytes in heart failure: Relationship to a deteriorating immune overreaction or a desperate attempt for tissue repair? Daddow KN. The small sample size, in particular the low number of meat goats that had positive results and that were lactating, limited our ability to test for differences in effects of lactation and positive results for the qPCR assay between meat and dairy goats. A family history of diabetes is considered to be an indicator of genetic susceptibility, and people with a family history of diabetes have a significantly higher risk than others. Aust Vet J 1979; 55: 605. The bacteria were previously known as Hemobartonella spp and Eperythrozooon spp, but studies1,2 conducted by use of the 16S rRNA gene sequences led to reclassification of these bacteria as members of the Mycoplasma genus. Univariate analysis followed by multivariate logistic regression was done to estimate the predictors of violence-related behavior using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) v. 20. Mann, D.L. Blood samples were collected in the morning after an overnight fasting for more than 8h from the subjects, the serum was isolated within 2h. The measurement of fasting plasma glucose (FPG), total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) was performed using an automatic biochemical analyzer (Modular P800, Switzerland). Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Before Zou and Ohno-Machado, L. (2005). In the present study, a qPCR assay was developed; the assay was sensitive and specific for the detection and quantification of M ovis in infected goats. Predictive value of low relative lymphocyte count in patients hospitalized for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: Insights from the EVEREST trial. 35. CAS J Clin Microbiol 2009; 47: 40494054. Goats used for dairy purposes had a significantly (P = 0.004) higher prevalence of hemoplasma infection (3.3-fold increase; 95% CI, 1.5- to 7.3-fold), compared with the prevalence in goats used for meat (Table 2). The Cq value used for the cutoff for samples with positive results was 34.0. The Feature Paper can be either an original research article, a substantial novel research study that often involves prior to publication. Informed written consent was obtained from all participants. Biomed Environ Sci. The relationship between body mass index and incident diabetes mellitus in Chinese aged population: a cohort study. The authors declare that there were no conflicts of interest. Reaction efficiency of the qPCR assay was 94.45% (R2 = 0.99; slope = 3.4623; Figure 1). Dixon, D.L. Hence, it is necessary to search the risk factors and analyze how synergisms between them to influence the development of IFG and diabetes. Thirdly, the population of our study can not fully represent the general population in the center of China. Secondly, we did not identify different cutoff values for LAP according to sex, age and nutritional status categories. Evaluation and management of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Most of these patients were admitted for coronary heart disease (CHD), HF and hypertension; therefore, patients in the control group also have a high prevalence of CHD (65%) and a history of previous related drug use. Concentration for the forward and reverse primers was 200nM. In this study, we aimed to (1) analyzing the association between LAP and risk of IFG and diabetes in Bengbu city, (2) comparing the predict abilities of BMI, WC, WHtR and LAP, (3) assessing the possible interactive effects between LAP and family history on IFG and diabetes risk. 24. Identification, occurrence and clinical findings of canine hemoplasmas in southern Brazil. COPYRIGHT ASSIGNMENT AND In diagnosis of HF, ROC curve analysis showed statistically significant differences in the area under curve (AUC) of NLR (0.753, 95% CI 0.6850.813. Wrong or inappropriate use of statistical methods may lead to defective conclusions, finally would harm the evidence-based practices. Logistic Regression is a statistical method that we use to fit a regression model when the response variable is binary. If the 95% CI of RERI and AP do not include 0, the 95% CI of SI do not include 1, the interactions are statistically significant. Vaduganathan, M.; Ambrosy, A.P. The use of receiver operating characteristic curves in biomedical informatics. Park, J.J. Studies on eperythrozoon infection in sheep. Changing relative contribution of abdominal obesity and a family history of diabetes on prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Korean men and women aged 3049 years from 2001 to 2010. The low copy numbers per microliter of blood detected in goats of both studies, in addition to the lack of clinical signs, suggested chronic infection. Eur J Epidemiol. For this reason, external validation of the results obtained in this study in HFpEF by an independent cohort is necessary. [1] Other than knowledge of the statistical methods, another very important aspect is nature and type of the data collected and objective of the study because as per objective, corresponding statistical methods are selected which are suitable on given data. This is width: 100%; Google Scholar. Comparisons of conventional and novel anthropometric obesity indices to predict metabolic syndrome among vegetarians in Malaysia. 2006;29(8):19213. Acheson LS, Wang C, Zyzanski SJ, et al. 2022 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. There is still controversy about the optimal cutoff value of LAP to present cardiovascular risk, further studies with a large sample size stratified into age, sex and nutritional status categories (obesity or normal) are needed to investigate. 2010 Chinese guidelines for the management of hypertension. Development and evaluation of a PCR-based assay for detection of Haemobartonella felis in cats and differentiation of H. felis from related bacteria by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely After the first introduce by Kahn [20] showed that LAP is an index of excessive lipid accumulation and perform better than BMI for recognizing diabetes risk, several studies revealed the association between LAP and cardiovascular risk over the past years [48, 49]. Mann-Whitney U test, Fisher's test, and linear and binary logistic regression were utilized for analysis. Tagawa M, Takeuchi T, Fujisawa T, et al. 2019;19(1):57. ; Meyer, S.; de Boer, R.A.; Jaarsma, T.; Hillege, H.; van Veldhuisen, D.J. BMC Endocr Disord. Several hematophagous vectors have been implicated in the transmission of M ovis14,15,a; however, their role in the natural spread of infection has not been established. Parasitology 1975;71:xxxiii. The experimental transmission of Eperythrozoon ovis by mosquitoes (abstr). Interaction analysis of lipid accumulation product and family history of diabetes on impaired fasting glucose and diabetes risk in population with normotension in Eastern China: a community-based cross-sectional survey. Once we fit the logistic regression model, it can be used to calculate the probability that a given observation has a positive outcome, based on the values of the predictor variables. paper provides an outlook on future directions of research or possible applications. Data available within the article or its supplementary materials. In the last few decades, it has been established that people with a family history of diabetes are at a high risk for developing diabetes [27, 28], however, there were disagreements on whether or not family history has a significant impact on diabetes progress [29, 30]. 2017;36(3):9078. ; et al. will also be available for a limited time. The qPCR amplicons were separated by electrophoresis on a 3% agarose gel and were subsequently stained with ethidium bromide. Li R, Li Q, Cui M, et al. ; Drazner, M.H. Of the 362 samples, 65 (17.9%; 95% CI, 14.1% to 22.3%) had positive results for M ovis when tested by use of the qPCR assay. Correspondence to ), Both variables (gold standard method and test method) should be categorical (2 2 table), Absolute Agreement between two diagnostic methods, Unweighted and weighted Kappa statistics/Intra class correlation, Between two Nominal variables (unweighted Kappa), Two Ordinal variables (Weighted kappa), Two Continuous variables (Intraclass correlation). Holtrop J, Spiering W, Nathoe HM, et al. 34. A large amount evidence showed that IFG and diabetes were closely related to cardiovascular events [7,8,9], a cohort study carried out in rural areas of China showed that the cumulative incidence of hypertension was substantially higher in IFG and diabetes groups while compared with normal blood glucose group [10]. Failing to select appropriate statistical method, our significance level as well as their conclusion is affected. Usage Note 24170: Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and other 2x2 table statistics There are many common statistics defined for 22 tables. Community-contributed commands CAS The data was organized in the EpiData 3.1 software using double entry approach, an all statistical analyses were performed with IBM SPSS Statistics ver. [] For example, in the regression analysis, when our outcome variable is categorical, logistic PubMedGoogle Scholar. Inflammation in heart failure: JACC state-of-the-art review. Zhang X, Meng X, Wang Y, et al. Fagg J, Valabhji J. With the high prevalence of overweight and obesity, unhealthy dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles, IFG and diabetes is increasingly common among community residents, and has become an important public health issue [41, 42]. Practical Statistics For Medical Research. This page shows an example of logistic regression with footnotes explaining the output. Liu L, Writing Group of 2010 Chinese Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension. PubMed Article ; Filippatos, G.S. Prevalence and diagnosis of hemotrophic Mycoplasma infection in research sheep and its effects on hematology variables and erythrocyte membrane fragility. Nanodrop 1000 spectrophotometer, ThermoScientific, West Palm Beach, Fla. URI Genomics and Sequencing Center, Kingston, RI. Jo A, Mainous AG 3rd. Risk factors for M ovis infection in goats in Indiana (362 goats located on 61 farms). A no-template sample that used DNase-free water was included in each reaction as a negative control sample, whereas DNA from the blood of an infected sheep (confirmed by qPCR assay and DNA sequencing) was used as a positive control sample. Coordinates of the Curve: This last table displays the sensitivity and 1 - specificity of the ROC curve for various cut. ; et al. J Dairy Sci 2007; 90: 55675571. Thirdly, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was determined by MedCalc Version 18 (DEMO) (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgiumm) software, to identify the superior obesity index and the best cut-off value of LAP to predict IFG and diabetes risk. Acta Vet Hung 2012; 60: 355360. For the same objective, selection of the statistical test is varying as per data types. Medical Statistics: Principles And Methods. For example, to compare the means between two groups, when data is paired, paired samples t-test while for unpaired (independent) data, independent samples t-test is used. [19, 20]. (2006) Receiver operating characteristic curves and related decision measures: a tutorial. SL and SYQ performed the statistical analysis and interpreted the results. Vieira JN, Braz MAD, Gomes FO, et al. Identification of a haemomycoplasma species in anemic reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Relation between BMI and diabetes mellitus and its complications among US older adults. Nez, J.; Nez, E.; Miana, G.; Sanchis, J.; Bod, V.; Rumiz, E.; Palau, P.; Olivares, M.; Merlos, P.; Bonanad, C.; et al. The Seattle Heart Failure Model: Prediction of survival in heart failure. Mishra P, Mayilvaganan S, Agarwal A. Indicators of adiposity predictors of metabolic syndrome in the elderly. Cookies policy. In the clinical application of condition assessment of patients with HF, the subjective feeling of patients and the clinical experience of doctors will have a certain impact on the accuracy of the NYHA functional classification, and the NYHA functional classification is relatively rough and cannot reflect the continuous changes in cardiac function. ; Cropp, A.B. The establishment and application of a semi-nested PCR assay for the detection of Mycoplasma ovis. Chin J Cardiol. Luo W, Guo Z, Wu M, et al. However, studies of alpacas confirmed to be chronic carriers of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemolamae did not detect a significant association between bacterial load and clinical signs or anemia,33 and no correlation was detected between PCV and positive results for a qPCR assay.34 In general, chronic hemoplasma infection in an otherwise healthy animal does not lead to overt disease and anemia. 6. Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. 2019;41:449. It is recommended that when sample size is sufficient, only on highly non-normal data, nonparametric method should be used otherwise corresponding parametric methods should be preferred.[12]. IFG was defined as 6.1mmol/LFPG<7.0mmol/L [38]. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. Google Scholar. WHtR was calculated as WC (cm) divided by the height (cm) [36]. Secondly, BMI does not characterize body fat distribution, which was known as a determinant metabolic risk, in this aspect, WC and WHtR might better represent visceral fat. Circulating sphingolipids, fasting glucose, and impaired fasting glucose: the strong heart family study. However, recent evidence suggests that rather than 2 genetically distinct species, a single species infects sheep; this single species has 2 dissimilar copies of the 16S rRNA gene in its genome.8 Information regarding hemoplasma infections in goats is limited, and the authors are aware of no published reports of hemoplasma infections of goats in the United States. Statistical Methods In Medical Research. For more detailed discussion and examples, see John Foxs Regression Diagnostics and Menards Applied Logistic Regression Analysis. Nevertheless, more subtle changes, such as production-related issues (growth rate and weight gain, susceptibility to other infections, and reproduction issues) and modulation of innate and adaptive immune responses, need to be further investigated in animals with chronic infection. J Vet Med Sci 2012; 74: 11711176. Frequency of hemoplasma infection did not differ significantly among age groups; it was 17% (95% CI, 10% to 25%) for the youngest age group, 18% (95% CI, 14% to 24%) for the middle age group, and 14% (95% CI, 3% to 35%) for the oldest age group. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. ; Ueno, T.; Gorbatov, R.; Marinelli, B.; Lee, W.W.; Dutta, P.; Wei, Y.; Robbins, C.; Iwamoto, Y.; et al. This is a plot that displays the sensitivity and specificity of a logistic regression model. ; Falk, V.; Gonzlez-Juanatey, J.R.; Harjola, V.P. ; Lip, G.Y. Four to 6 replicates of each of 5 samples with a Cq value < 34.0 were tested. Abstract OBJECTIVE To develop and validate a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for the detection and quantification of Mycoplasma ovis in goats and investigate the prevalence and risk factors for hemoplasma infection of goats located in Indiana. Bacterial load in goats infected with M ovis ranged from 1.05 103 target copies/mL of blood to 1.85 105 target copies/mL of blood; however, no bacteria were observed on blood films. Acute infections are characterized by hemolytic anemia12 and decreased exercise tolerance.16 Chronic hemoplasma infections are characterized by a reduction in body weight and ill thrift and are believed to be the main source of infection within a herd. Changes occurring in immune responsiveness of single- and twin-bearing Comisana ewes during the transition period. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; It is done by plotting threshold values simultaneously in the ROC curve. In addition, the identified cutoff value of LAP was 33.54 (sensitivity, 54.6%; specificity, 62.42%) in study population, a number of studies have found similar results. To assess how well a logistic regression model fits a dataset, we can look at the following two metrics: Sensitivity: The probability that the model predicts a positive outcome for an observation when indeed the outcome is positive.. padding: 0; IDF diabetes atlas. SL and JLL revised the manuscript critically. Proposal to transfer some members of the genera Haemobartonella and Eperythrozoon to the genus Mycoplasma with descriptions of Candidatus Mycoplasma haemofelis, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemomuris, Candidatus Mycoplasma haemosuis and Candidatus Mycoplasma wenyonii. Extracted DNA was stored at 20C. Differential detection of hemotropic Mycoplasma species in cattle by melting curve analysis of PCR products. The PCR mixture contained 12.5 L of a mastermix,d 0.75 L of each primer (300nM), 6.0 L of DNase-free water, and 5.0 L of template DNA. All type of statistical methods that are used to compare the means are called parametric while statistical methods used to compare other than means (ex-median/mean ranks/proportions) are called nonparametric methods. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Sabbah, M.S. In the study reported here, mean bacterial load for 65 goats was 13.1 copy numbers/L of blood (range, 1 to 185 copy numbers/L of blood). Hemotrophic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas): a review and new insights into pathogenic potential. 2019;34(1):1620. Parametric and their Alternative Nonparametric Methods. According to the relevant regulations of the Ethics Committee of The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, the retrospective study can apply for exemption of informed consent of patient, so this study applied for exemption of informed consent of patient and was approved. The International Diabetes Federation has predicted that the number of individuals with diabetes will increase to 380 million in 2025 and 439 million in 2030 [43, 44]. Lasko, T.A., J.G. 2. The area under the ROC curves (AUC) of BMI, WC, WHtR and LAP were calculated, and then compared by non-parametric significance test (statistics of Z). After adjustment for age, sex, educational level and other confounding factors, multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that subjects with the fourth quartile of LAP were more likely to develop IFG (adjusted OR: 2.735, 95% CI: 1.7944.170) and diabetes (adjusted OR: 1.815, 95% CI: 1.2972.541) than those with the first quartile. A clinical case of severe anemia in a sheep coinfected with Mycoplasma ovis and Candidatus Mycoplasma haemovis in Hokkaido, Japan. 2011;94(3):31121. 2010;31(6):6215 (Article in Chinese). MDPI and/or J Cardiovasc Nurs. In addition, as IFG and diabetes are polygenic inheritance patterns, the joint influence of risk factors may aggravate the disease [31], but there are few studies on the interaction between family history of diabetes and other risk factors. Learn more about us. ; Dasari, S.; Carter, R.E. Amini MR, Shahinfar H, Babaei N, et al. The study was supported by Bengbu Health Board and approved by the Ethics Committee of Bengbu Medical College. Identifying Pathophysiological Mechanisms in Heart Failure With Reduced Versus Preserved Ejection Fraction. Comparison of lipid accumulation product and body mass index as indicators of diabetes diagnosis among 215,651 Chinese adults. How to Create a Statistical Process Control Chart in Excel, How to Extract Last Row in Data Frame in R, How to Fix in R: argument no is missing, with no default, How to Subset Data Frame by List of Values in R. Meli ML, Kaufmann C, Zanolari P, et al. Three regions for farm location in Indiana were created: Northern (n = 96), Central (160), and Southern (106). Tornquist SJ, Boeder LJ, Cebra CK, et al. Association of dietary patterns with visceral adiposity, lipid accumulation product, and triglyceride-glucose index in Iranian adults. Integrated DNA Technologies Inc, Coralville, Iowa. and Graham, N.E. Deshuillers PL, Santos AP, do Nascimento NC, et al. Suzuki J, Sasoaka F, Fujihara M, et al. 2X SYBR Green Mastermix, Applied Biosystems Corp, Foster City, Calif. QIAquick gel extraction kit, Qiagen, Germantown, Md. OPEN ACCESS FORMS,, Outcome of performance-based removal and replacement decisions in commercial swine herds, When tackling student debt, information, collaboration is key. Zuo H, Shi Z, Hussain A. 30. Wiley Blackwell, BMJ Books; 2014. The impact of family history of diabetes and lifestyle factors on abnormal glucose regulation in middle-aged Swedish men and women. It shows the regression function -1.898 + .148*x1 .022*x2 .047*x3 .052*x4 + .011*x5. ; de Denus, S.; Felker, G.M. CP006935.1).8 These primers were used to amplify a 498-bp fragment of the gene in a blood sample obtained from an M ovisinfected sheep. Body mass index (BMI) is the recommended indicator to assess and diagnose obesity [11, 12], and in assessement related in adults with diabetes [13], but there is increasing evidence indicating that BMI is not the ideal body fat index [14], it has limitation to differentiate fat and muscle mass and can not reflect central obesity. So far, there are few surveys exploring the interaction of risk factors on IFG and diabetes risk, and the interactive mechanisms between LAP and other factors needs to be studied in the future. J Vet Med Sci 2011; 73: 11131115. Background: In areas where medical resources are scarce, an economical and convenient way to assess patients’ condition so that treatment plans can be adjusted in a timely manner makes sense. 29. ; Dickstein, K.; et al. Anhui, a developing province in the center of China, has experienced rapid economic development. This retrospective observational study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University (No. Laboratory examinations found significant differences in systolic blood pressure (p<0.001), fasting plasma glucose (p<0.001) and triglyceride (p<0.001) between the groups. Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarizes data using indexes such as mean and median and another is inferential statistics, which draw conclusions from data using statistical tests such as student's t-test. Limit of detection, intra-assay variability, interassay variability, and specificity of the assay were determined. It is important that a researcher knows the basic concepts of the statistical methods used to conduct research study that produce a valid and reliable results. 2017;70(1):915. Wei, L. Immunological aspect of cardiac remodeling: T lymphocyte subsets in inflammation-mediated cardiac fibrosis. Medical services in Public Medical Institutions in Guangzhou ( 2021 version ) and evaluation blood! Factor significantly associated with glycemic control in community-dwelling elderly individuals with type 2 diabetes risk and for! Quick-Gdna Miniprep, Zymo research Corp, Foster City, Calif. QIAquick gel extraction kit Qiagen. Shen Y, et al two or more groups N. ; Bettencourt, P. ; Guimares J.T! Sequence for the qPCR assay Rockville Pike Bethesda, Md Veldhuisen, D.J * x4.011. 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sensitivity and specificity logistic regression spss